Karate (Japanese: 空 手 karate karate?) or Karatedo (Japan: 空 手 道, karated Monica karate do, the empty?) is a martial art is born of Okinawa, Japan, is a combination of the fight of the Shanghai and Chinese. Karate was published in Japan in the 1930s 2464 (AD 1921) when the Okinawa migrated to Japan
.Karate is often mistaken. A fight with the teeth brick. Actually, is fighting with the use of various organs in the body, such as the fist foot, finger, elbow his hand. But when it was adapted into a sport, then only the hands and feet!Century 14 Okinawa have dealings with the mainland China with more to experience but the past. While it has a cultural exchange and academic knowledge from various fields including art protection.And combined with the skills gained from mainland China, which is the South boxing To call directory that Japan etc.'m origins of karate. The Shanghai will call their martial arts that tode (唐 手 Tode) in Okinawan language.Okinawa te (沖 縄 手 Okinawa Te) by the Shanghai te be subject can separate a highlight of each main office, including 3 main office The name the office named after the big city Department of living, including the Shuri te (Shuri Te) Na ha te (Naha Te).Te)
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