I know because I've read in the book of Islam is a religion that much better. Muslims have very strict Muslim practice. Basic place their lives in pillars 5 reasons:
, 1. The witness of faith:"There is no God but God (Allah is true) and Sharif is the mind (the Prophet) of God."
2. Prayer: Praying five times daily to be taken 3.
! To provide:People must be given to the poor. Because everything from Allah
4. Fasting: apart from the fasting, fasting except on special occasions. All Muslims to celebrate the festival รอมดอน. (the ninth month of ปฏิทินอิสลาม)
5 Hajj:.Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca () should be done at least once in their life. (during the last month of the ปฏิทินอิสลาม))
. Giving: people have given to the poor. Because everything from Allah
I just like that...But I'm not sure I right?
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