The fever (PHI) or golden ratio.Phi (Φ) (pronounced that "fever") is the number 1.618... Is a constant of nature, with several remarkable properties But the most interesting features of Phi is Phi is connected with เลขฟีโบนักชี sequence is very much. Also because if เลขฟีโบนักชี one. Divided by the เลขฟีโบนักชี in order before page position, usually the quotient of equal or close to the Phi or 1.618... Always, for example. When we bring เลขฟีโบนักชี number two adjacent to it, such as 309 / 191 will quotient of 1.6179 หรือเอา 118 / 73 will quotient of 1.6164 which is similar with. Phi greatly, and if we consider เลขฟีโบนักชี very valuable. Will find that the ratio of two numbers is equal to the number 1.6180339887... Always phi value is determined by geometric figure studies, such as.
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