My future dream The future of my dream since childhood is a Naval Hospital because this is a career, a career that, in good faith, and are helping others, many advisers. Make happy. Can love the patient. I wanted to make it a success. If you've dreamed of how successful I will take pride in their lives and to make my life better is thahahai I have a steady career. Make your life will make parents life. Make the parents proud in my entire life. I think that as a professional nurse, tired and no time to make people around me much but the nursing as a magic potion to help treat people who are sick. Help people with injuries or accidents, and the other one is I wanted to create a career teacher teachers teach children elementary, according to rural areas. As a teacher, it is our pride that has taught many children. People with knowledge, and with a good future, it might be slow to see results, but it is a valuable accomplishment and proud in my entire life.
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