At the time of sleep, dreams and wake up. The human mind, hard work in dealing with a problem of either nak memory. Getting to know the facts The mood, which is complex and the stick of the same puzzle pieces together, it is also possible that the brain makes people dream in the story so that it is adjusting the emotion. At present, there are a variety of research perspectives about what has happened in between that we sleep, and this is a major issue to claim that those leading scientists are trying to understand. "Why we need sleep and dreams," he said. There are experts in their research conclusions vary by Science Magazine November issue. There is little knowledge dissemination what happens. When we sleep at night, Robert Stickgold of experts from Harvard Medical School's Psychiatry Department believes that our minds. Working hard while sleeping by the brain to bring information and bring it to. To format that will allow us to be able to understand. Understanding the complexity of the world is one of the most difficult task of the brain, and it requires more than 1 hour of work in common in order to wake up. The Siegal Center Jerome Sleep researcher for the Research of the Department of Veteran Affairs, who has studied a dozen count of research about the dreams and learning to tell him that is not found in the sleep duration of our minds what is important with said since has been. Study on the theory about what happens in between that we sleep and dream. He found that over a period of hundreds of years, men say that dream is that we keep in touch with their ancestors, while the most recent theory is accepted, our brain is working to correct the problem, and help us to learn, but there is no clear evidence to confirm the theory. The two scientists have come out in their emphatic conclusion by Robert Stickglod explains that in his trial. He will give the trial participants. Get to know the complicated problems to be solved and tested the next day and, on the other hand, many in the group who received the delegation, the solution will be allowed in part, sleeping and the other does not, it appears that the Group results go to have fully sleep during the night. Effective in Solve the problem better than the group that was not allowed to sleep. He believes that while we sleep, the brain, the part will be spent on the story about memory and cause a dream. While the brain. Another part is used to dealing with new information to understand and he also says that another General, will go to bed with some problems in mind and will wake up with a way to solve some of the problems. In the section of Jaromy Siegel is looking another way in which he explains the theory of Robert Stickgold at why people are allowed to sleep and thus solve the problem better than he says it is a matter of stress, stress. We make people do things that are not effective at all said when the animal is taken place in the same way as human. The results came out, it does not differ from the test result, Stickgold. There are also other research that tries to notice in both cases above is Russ Carter psychology professionals from Austin Texas State Urban Institute Leonard stated that quite clearly is that the brain is to assist in the learning process and receive information while you sleep because every university level students the know that he will be able to make a good quiz and get information to learn better. If adequate sleep during the night. Best research of Linda Sveena, researchers at the University of Ohio from the couch saying we. Known whether humans will be able to perform tasks as well. If I have to sleep during the night, but we don't know how the brain works to manage the processes of information, true or not, while we sleep, because the evidence in this case is extremely rare.
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