Of forest caused by 2 cause is by nature 1
.Forest fires occur naturally arise from many causes, such as lightning, a satire, Mountain Fire Blast rock influences. The sunlight hits the crystal stone. Sunlight through the condensation reactions of chemical in the soil, swamp(Spontaneous Combustion), but the main causes are
1.1 lightning causes of occurrence of forest fire in the warm zone in the United States and Canada (picture 1.7) showed that more than half of the forest fire occurrence are caused by lightning. However, the lightning is divided into 2 type is
.(1) lightning dry (Dry or Red Lightning) was lightning happened while there is rain, often occur during the dry season, the sky is red due to clouds called cloud lightning. Which the clouds, such are the displacement course every year.
.(2) lightning wet (Wet or Blue Lightning) was lightning that alongside the thunderstorm (Thunderstorm). So the sparks caused by lightning, so often do not cause a fire. Or it may happen, but not spread far.Lightning in the tropics, including Thailand is often the lightning wet. It is hardly a cause of wildfires in the tropics, this.
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