.(good immunity in)
กาลัญญุตา. As I know the
ปริสัญญุตา, who knows the company, the community
ปุคค ลัญ ญุต, or ปุคคล Europe รัญญุต). I know a person
philosophy brought for the first time in
.3 loop 2 conditions 4 dimension sufficient economy project is, this is a question the students นักศึกษาเจอ very often. On the test relevant. Sufficiency economy, many people said that "Sufficiency economy" is, but when questioned about 2 3.4 dimension is then unable to do exactly this part
today let me understand on a simple 3 loop 2 conditions 4 dimension
.The philosophy of sufficiency economy. He is the source of the definition of "improve the Royal 3 loop 2 conditions". The Subcommittee on sufficiency economy. National economic and social development board.. currently, which consists of "moderation, reason is immune." on the terms "knowledge" and "moral"
.The system of economy focuses on individuals to their sustainable And spend the money to get sufficiently and economically. The ability of the money of that person. Without borrows, and if there is any money left.Help others some. And may spend to some extra factors The guidelines for living adequate. Has been discussed extensively in the now.Create trigger create or to spend beyond your means. In the irrelevant or beyond the living factors such as consumption over a variety of entertainment form beauty. To dress fashionably.As to make enough money to meet those needs. Resulted in a skin disease. A cycle of one person can't come off. If not the life
conclusion, philosophy of 3 loop 2 condition
s philosophy of 3 loop loop 1
.Modesty is not too small and not too fit Without exploit self and others, such as production and consumption in the modest
2 loop.The rational decision making about the level of protection that must be rationally. By considering the related factors and realize the anticipated results of the action that carefully
3 loop.Having a better immunity. Means to get ready for impact. And changes in various fields to arise by considering the possibility of any situation that is expected to happen in the future, both near and far
.Philosophy of 2 condition
1.The condition, knowledge consists of knowledge about various academic. Related slowdown. Prudence to use them to consider to be linked. To engage in planning and careful in the practice stage
2.The condition and to strengthen consists of awareness moral integrity is honest and have patience, diligence. Wisdom of life
the question 3 loop 2 conditions 4 dimension is
.The answer is plan of integrated sufficiency economy. It
sufficiency economy Sufficiency Economy
3 sufficiency is worried 2 conditions, balance 4 dimension
3 loop. Moderation, reason, immune
2 conditions, moral knowledge
.Knowledge 3 (conditions, wise, the family, be careful)
(conditions of moral integrity, patience, diligence, conscious)
balance 4 dimensions economy. Environment, society, and culture (the siege under the culture)
.The main reasons, the main reason for 5 fit 5 reasons. The main immune 2 main
mind saving, reducing costs in every aspect. The wisdom
mastery cover. Be careful; good faith
social resources. Stop struggle for benefits
.Technology, incessantly in solving the troubles in life, enlightenment
honesty, diligent, patient and share
economy, behave to relent. Vices
the goal of sufficiency economy
.Economy level. Living with others in society with peace. Coexistence with nature and environment sustainable
application of sufficiency economy start elevations
themselves, family, community organizations, Society, nation
.3 loop 2 conditions, balance 4 dimension (the object, society, environment and Culture)
sequence development of economy, itself. Family enterprise, community, society, nation
.Sufficiency economy match principle. สัปปุริสธรรม 7
1. (modesty)
มัตตัญญุตา เป็นผู้รู้. Know about
อัตตั ญญุ eyes, who knows himself.
2. (realistic)
dam general ญุต. As I know why
อัตถั ญญุ eyes, who knows the
3.(good immunity in)
กาลัญญุตา. As I know the
ปริสัญญุตา, who knows the company, the community
ปุคค ลัญ ญุต, or ปุคคล Europe รัญญุต). I know a person
philosophy brought for the first time in
.The plan for national economic and social development the 9
vision, the plan for national economic and social development of the 11 match the sufficiency economy
of any sort The principle of immunity to the new theory 3 I
.Handle their - group - the main network
balance of economic philosophy which is the most important วิสัยทัศน์ของ Shinawatra government 1
economy. ROAD MAP improve student quality of USAShould organize teaching philosophy. In the school for any particular school, 1-3
."Sufficiency economy" (Sufficiency Economy) is a philosophy that his majesty has Royal Thai people living guiding approach to always include the development and running the country. Based on the of the golden mean.Sufficiency economy. The main consideration is 5 part
1.Moderation, reason, creating better immunity, as well as the use of knowledge and virtue, carefully planning decision. And action
.Focus on escape from danger and crisis for the stability and sustainability of development!Framework, is a philosophy and guide existence. And behave in the way it should be. Based on the traditional way of life of the society. Can be applied at any time.2. Characteristics economic.
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