The flying car is a vehicle's dream. Men who would like to own it. In the future, to avoid the traffic jam You try to imagine that you can see it looks like the plane can take you to focus. The e-stage naklai by sky space tourism with the NASA it will be great not to reconcile?In the real world, there are many people trying to make a flying car owners. Latest Maurice fuller international company located in California United States development of the car, "the rod fuller m 400 sky yakha. fly with 360 miles per hour. If travelling from London to Paris takes just 35 minutes. By phlitbok that this drive is very simple, rakhon. People who are driving, can bring it up. Just set the direction of the destination, which will control the speed of the car, which car manufacturers are expected to master "the rod fuller m 400 sky yakha" development was completed within the next three years, with the permission from the Federal Aviation Office or ACE ACE car booking amount fae that is approximately 100 cars. The price is expected to be contained at five hundred dollars, or 17.5 million.
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