For the first month, I arrive at work in a section of ipran and into the new projector range integreate site (site 227) fit, yet rarely understood in an overview of the tasks only. During the first two weeks is still not up to step into the work that must be done, however, to ask brothers and sisters but I was in a hurry and need to develop their own understanding and step work, then step in and teach senior metor's new site, and I want to integreate notes every station app. In the three weeks it has started to make a RFC is without senior integreate, during this station must be viewed as noted and began to have contact with FE and sub that must do then add Some time cade integreat? is there a? problem during operation then I have learned how to troubleshoot problem is fixed for the case for That. learning: learn from my mistake. "and" I made almost every day until the end of integreat projector, now it is still not know about making money, just know em, station integrete RFC alone and didn't know about the various configuration sections in, and how much many throat tech.For months, teaching His brothers in the team, it has begun to teach knowledge, technical rescue work the neck. Teach you how to make a RFC when it receives comes from a customer, plans to teach basic protocols that are used in the Dtac IPRAN, thus making it know and understand that all work in the first month and begin to understand what is the command used to grow, then it starts with the rfc itself, and begin to understand more. Most of this month will begin to learn more from reading in document read in part, we lite hedex still don't know and do as we read in the lateral program and the eNSP integreate new Travelocity site as assigned by the head of.For three months, get to do this assignment as a replacement ATN910 from ATN910B, which is the replacement for the first time, which made it possible and send to RFC, as well as for senior review before then must plan well before actually doing it and when it's time to follow the RFC that we prepared and done well, then it has to make a new site of Project PAT integreat softwear (227 site) when I was that we still do not know beforehand, and also do not know how, then senior must solve it have taught to fix them, so I have the knowledge and understanding of the job increases in the range and the teen takes the third week of the month.It also entered the ร่วว SIM card, I train about Product and basic protocols that have been used in Western IPRAN and knowledge up and can be applied to dramatic work.During probation in some time the plan work has to reschedule immediately or have operation at night but I can adjust life style to flexible with work assignment. For my team everybody is very friendly and kindly, give willingly suggestion and I get along well with everyone,So I think I will be able to work in this department with my team and happy to work with them.
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