Comments: 18Most recently, we come across an event like this. We asked back to a single sentence: "I'd like that, really?", I'm not stupid to have reason to understand bala. Under this sentence, we head out to media. It has several options, what they don't know, but the disc we know it will change forever. It is difficult for us to go back to be fussy. Stupid wearing the same. I like this sentence ", you say a lot of the reason why sip around. It's a fight you seek forgiveness, he once did not. " Time to be fussy, we are angry, we are not stupid to ngon bala driving reason. Because maybe the reason we knew already exists. We would like to have just a good a consolation speech or to seek forgiveness, this is really just a feel good. Thanks for this post food chokkot. If we come to the reading fans. He sees nothing more. Free stuff too We like this one. He just put one man to be fussy only lol.They have to be fussy with you. To be fussy, and he lost just because you only.Normally we have a reason, but he is the one that we put a single blinded us to be fussy just stupid he really alone on ...We do not know what our raving PostScript, p.s. Sorry, OK? Edit the text when the July 21 01:57 pm.Reply to.∨ View 2 comments ∨ sub19 commentsRead think looking yourself like a boyfriend who laurels we read jungle. "Nearly five years. There are no "excuse me, whether it was a mistake to seek forgiveness will not die ngon evil for good, never son. Uncomfortable lying dead nearby region around not interested at all. We do not have the administrative rights to say what we think. If, say, it is charged with swearing that stupid annoying. Finally, end the squabbling, we must always go wrong.Reply to.00 00 Member no. 2,475,429 July 21 09:59 am.∨ View 2 comments ∨ sub20 commentsOf the hair. * Not Tan.The ones that bother me, but it is not.I own the yue yue. Finally, it outlines all the love I go.Made me willing to dismiss itself. When not in love, of course, better to just end this no.But they feel nothing at all suspicious, I'm probably not what's important first and then give you mang. -..-Reply to.0 4. Comments (21)We say it to SAP the feel of each other because of the stupid and to reconcile with each other, and then, after feeling after that; it is not the same anymore. It is the wrong question, what size is that it is less than what she was going to silk will be satisfied to become emotional pressure press. Waiting for the day to blow out.We stayed at a stupid boyfriend to be fussy and there is no reason to do so. Just know that I will be in touch with her stupid now? she must follow my heart.We know he loves us, but a little story with a certain subject to SAP or it's not truth in data. It doesn't help to know that this is love love so much. If this is not love, does not.It is to destroy the sense cited indirectly. "but I'm just an idiot with her alone!If you love? Start with patience, that shows that it is not love. To maintain or to release it that two people help each other. Changes from the word patience as understanding and acceptance in each other.Bed. We speak of the way in which we meet is coming!Plon is a good topic. Who is to argue with a fan or are about to quit thinking see.Edit the text when the July 21 02:21 pm.Reply to.∨ View 4 comments ∨ sub22 commentsThanks to chokkot who understand the Editor's phon because we want in the way you talk and we come across and read enough to make love more and more fans. We are the stupid editor only phon, ensuring that there is a problem right now, it is more common that we were stupid to be fussy, I own a party most of the time. But we are lucky to have a girlfriend relax. Acceptance and understanding of our identity. It is not that we are guilty or not guilty that we are stupid to be fussy best selection? The Department accepts the layout to reconcile and apologize before walking to love it. It makes know that we will have to maintain the longest layout are the same. Finally, ask the good people I meet chokkotEdit the text when the July 21 02:59 pm.Reply to.23 commentsToday, if you lost your own wants ngon.It is not that we are.He on on on ~Reply to.1 1 Death Captain America. July 21 07:33 pmElmony worldView 1 comments ∨ ∨ subComments: 24Read! ayangbok invalid Reply to.00 00 PALABORA July 21 03:31 pm25 commentsThe day it arrived, ...Reply to.From 0 to 2. Member no. 1,937,214 03 July 21:36 pmNu-ear and impeccable, great glass colour nganing pastel liking.View 1 comments ∨ ∨ sub26 commentsIt is not necessary to have to admit everything. Every time it is recognized that the fit.Are you saying that?"It is true the dude love it need to understand."And why do men need to understand a single Department."But if you are going to tell him to quit came it was put to you it is not."The woman praying. The little guy is not strange but not too good, as too small. If it was, then it was canceled, too. I'm sure it's notI'm sure you thought it was the same angle it doesn't apply to everyone, of course.In fact, it has all the same. In some happy couple a couple guys adjust toward women. Some women pair adjust toward men. Some couples meet each other in the middle of it, but it is important to understand the chemistry of individual users themselves. Understanding the other side.Reply to.27 comments
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