To prepare for the situation in which to control or reduce the harm. And the potential of flooding. To have minimal As far as possible Should prepare as follows: 1. Prepare a permanent agency directly responsible. The work is planned to define procedures and responsibilities of the various agencies, both public and private sectors are clearly related to the training and practice drills. The other officials are held to disseminate knowledge to the public. In order to have the knowledge Understanding about the dangers valid cause. In addition, every flood prevention and control authorities. Should prepare the materials and tools needed to help victims of the unison with food, clothing, boats, rafts torch supplies necessary funds, etc. 2. A notice warning. Or sent by various means, to the public. And other agencies prior to the flood warning may use newspapers, television, radio, siren or lights. Seen as precarious spot warning system that could have fast, accurate, timely, and for a period long enough advance warning required by the exercise. Performance is always alert to help keep the public informed. The situation of storm The elevation of the river And practice To prepare for floods 3. Preparation of the people who live in the area to flood. When the Flood Warning Should Prepare food supplies, drinking water, medicine, clothing, wooden boats or rafts to prepare sacks of earth. Reinforcing dikes The floods rise And hastened migration, family, pets, vehicles, property necessary items out of the low plains or river banks. Or the seaside to higher aid as flooding , while flooding. Agencies or assisting victims. Should assist the first. Search for Victims While flooding Some of the water may flood submerged houses roofs. Some people on the roof Some people were marooned in the water. Some people hit the water borne elsewhere. Search Victims Therefore it is absolutely necessary To help them get to safety as soon as possible 2. Transporting victims or victims should move away from pets and property flooding. The transposition of this It requires planning ahead And be prepared to take immediate action 3. Helping the sick Flood may have been more accidents, malnutrition and illness. You need to organize assistance by a doctor or ambulance. To provide medical treatment Or medicines, food and clothing to victims rescued after the flood and after the flood. Victims should receive public assistance as follows: 1. To receive relief food. Clothing, medicines, shelter 2. Aided reconstruction The physical and mental health by providing clean. And medical units Or Mobile Health To prevent disease outbreaks And service providers such as nutrition promotion. The immunization Healthcare, sanitation and clean water supply. Health education And the morale third. Hometown get sent back four. Aided in occupations such as technical guidance. To crop substitution The grain supply Fruit plantation The emergency loan 5. Get help in repairing houses and residences. Financing may For home repair Or building a new home The rate of de chest cheaper premiums. Provision of temporary housing To those houses were destroyed 6. To get help in repairing public utilities. And various public services to return to normal as soon as possible. For ease of use of services such as electricity, water, telephone sufferers roads, railways, bridges, etc.
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