4 contains bias1. chanthakti means to be biased because of love, because love is special.2. thosakti means to be biased because they despise because of the hate uncertainty like.3. phayakti means to be biased because he was afraid or reluctant.4. mohakti means to be biased because I don't know.
Bias 4 include : 1. ฉantacti mean bias love. Like a second. I mean hate, prejudice, hatred. I do not like hate, prejudice, meaning 3. bias unthinking fear or four. Intolerance refers to the biased ignorance.
Bias 4 consists of 1. Chandgati means bias because of love, because love is special 2. โทสาคติ represents bias because Chung. Because of hatred. Dislike 3. Prejudice means bias because of fear or respect 4.Delusion means bias because I don't know.