I. make the world cool down and refresh environment
are eliminated, carbon black, and other greenhouse gases,
farming - the release is empty, the largest
carbon dioxide is not the worst of our threats it is empty, and there are empty, come from livestock
We are able to start with a cut-off, manufacturers have the largest in the world. That is, to feed, so to make the world, cool down as quickly as possible in order to stop we have to stop consuming meat livestock industrymethane gas and other toxic substances from industrial animal
greenhouse gas emissions, and its potential to cause global warming greenhouse gas emissions
CO (Class IIb)
CH (methane)
N O 2
(the said oxide)
potential in the world, hot (GWP) *
298 concentration in atmosphere before industry
280 ppm 0.715 ppm
0.270 ppm concentration in the atmosphere, in 2005
379 ppm 1.774 ppm 0.319 ppm
the ratio percentage of livestock * *
9 % 37 % 65 %
* In the last 100 years on average, and there is a United Nations Trusteeship Oxide of brass, carbon dioxide emissions in the cause more than global warming. Up to 25 and 298 times respectively in the average over the past 20 years, there is a brass, carbon dioxide emissions more than the cause of global warming to 72(one in a million parts (ppm) refers to one of the 1,000,000 section), (IPCC, assessment, the 2007 four square at 2.14.)
* * (Steinfeld et al., a long stretch of the shadow, livestock, 2006)
If every one of the world's leading lifestyle, dining, non-meat which is most effective and make it easy to use this effect we will be able to edit your global warming quickly.such as the use of technology, green, to eliminate carbon dioxide from atmosphere
The truth is, if we ignore the meat production, trying to stop the green all of these will be abolished and we may lose planets before we will have the opportunity technology installation, green wind power for example.hybrid car or
researchers, Plaza, has recently announced that it is empty, the greenhouse gas emissions caused by human beings, there are many possible sources of heat confinement livestock industry has more than carbon dioxide emissions up to one hundred times in the past five years
to make the world a "Hot CO 2 72 times more than 20 times in the past 62 years."
- The Board of Directors between the government that with climate change
"there is empty, make the world heat up more than CO 2100 times in the past 5 years."
"There is a ton to be released on this day will cause the heat up in one year more than one cut-off CO 2 that has been released on this day which will result in up to the year 2075." 63
- Dr. เคิร์ค Smith, a professor of Public Health world environment,California University เบิร์คลีย์
Please be aware that, even though the livestock, it has been reported that it is the cause of 18% of the greenhouse gas emissions of the world, more than transportation sector as well as of the world, the fact is, the fact that it is estimated the too low because it is not too long.the cattle that may have accounted for up to 50% of greenhouse gas emissions over the livestock, I will say the new calculation that may cause greenhouse gas emissions more than 50% of all - more than 50% from livestock industry64
There is danger of
นไฮเดรท and hydrogen roasting
When it is cool [นไฮเดรท] [is compressed under the ocean floor and remain there, there is no toxic, but now there is warm weather, gas, these things will be released. It is being released into the atmosphere.I know that I was fine, and Pearlie dissolved in each day 65
There are warning signs that this dangerous time is going to come up to the lake and other places have sprung up there are empty, which originally was being withheld under floor safe ice world 66High temperature, which will be made up quickly and it will cause Global warming is not something that will be coming back to us is a disaster
"Pearlie came off like a time-bomb waiting for a bomb is waiting for day - enough to melt it down, and there are thousands of G, it may be released into the atmosphere which will cause more global warming is empty, the source of new discoveries.67 (one of G = one million tons)
- Dr. คาร์ธี Thursby's throat having a volley from the ecological system, water from the University bearing
It's not just that we have to worry about a lot of gas, from the ocean, for example] [hydrogen destruction of organisms to roasting. More than 90% in the past 68 world history
Depending on the amount of the concentrated hydrogen peroxide diluted sulfuric just file it is possible to make it to reproductive organs, such as eyes, nose, skin irritation caused by the trachea is blocked, the work of the body sudden abortion headache impaired dazed to vomit theHis eyes were serious injury, death, etc. , remain comatose ช๊อค
we may be dead from gas to do not need to talk about global warming. Now there is a empty, that has been released into the atmosphere, and many many people have mental illness or other physical suffering in accordance with the research of a scientist
methane gas can cause headaches and respiratory system and heart failure in the intense amount will cause the death of the lack of air, breathing it is similar to the toxicity of carbon monoxide poisoning, it is life more than CO 2 23 times
greenhouse gas emissions from the danger of any other life, livestock,
toxic gases are harmful to the life of other livestock industry has been released as well. It is the source of the said oxide the largest greenhouse gas emissions which is 65% of the world's 300 hot CO 2 times.64% of total ammonia which cause acid rain and toxic gas hydrogen which is roasting to the life, so to stop livestock production is to get rid of toxic gases including all of these lives are empty, 69
The worst effects of carbon black
Carbon Black particles are conservatory heat confinement. CO 2 680 times. And it gives the ice and mountain world melt ice faster. The carbon footprint up to 40% black, and burn the forest to the livestock from the
Scientists found that 60% of carbon black particles in color.
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