I have booked a hotel but I Singapore July 27 July 28, 2016 2016 at 11.30 PM so wanted to ask whether, if the morning July 28, 2016 removes the suitcase to get it or not, and then going back to check later?
I booked a hotel on July 28, 2016 I arrived in Singapore on July 27, 2016 at 11.30 PM would like to ask that. The morning of July 28, 2016, took the suitcase to leave the hotel or not. I'll check back later or not.
I 28 Hotel on July 2016 but I to Singapore on July 27 2016 time 11.30 PM wanted to ask that if the morning of July 28 2016 took the luggage deposit at the hotel? I will check in later?