Income statement is a statement that shows the performance of the company for a period of one month, or may be 3 6 month consists of components of the income statement 1
.Income (Revenue).Mean return business has been from the sale of goods or services to customers that which is due to the exact calculation of the amount and also to the investment income to exchange goods ดอกเบี้ยจาก lending too divided.A.2 types
.1.1 direct revenue income relationship directly, or by operating directly whether ขายสิ้น goods or services of the business 1.2 langur
other income is besides income directly, such as caused by selling assets
2.Cost (Expenses) is the cost of a product or service business has gone to pay a visit to generate income and expenses arising from the operation, including the product sale
3.Net profit (loss), the resulting from the revenues over expenses during the accounting period is long, but if it is considered that cost more than income loss.
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