Essay: the story of my career that naphaet ... That naphaet Daily life of humans surely undeniable that must be someday we'd get sick. Illness of the body with many different formats. Have illness, another very important is that the pain of teeth and internal organs, oral, pain in this group cause problems themselves and society. When we receive the pain of teeth and oral organs first, we need to think about is the dentist. The dentist is a doctor, one branch specializes in the mouth and teeth. The dentist is responsible for prevention and treatment of abnormalities that occur with the mouth and teeth. I think that the dentist must be people with patience and sacrifice. Because of the need to study in the field of knowledge required more dental. Have to learn more than any other profession. A very long time to learn There are exercises that require patience and knowledge of the service can be provided to people. For a dentist in the dental kraphom is the idea of love in the service. There is a full functioning capability as the primary benefits of the people. Get the service and everyone equally. There is no bias as a dentist and have the right to choose whether to work or not getting poor service. There is a patient in the patient that is not the view of the patient, it must be felt with the heart and a human. Because the patients come for treatment, he has a problem or issue that you want to consult or provide treatment to improve or to fix a problem to which, like maybe your dentist has to issue legal counsel lawyers help and advice has been moderate, or a.A good tip is the same. There is a fully functioning capability because the patient has very high expectations for the dentist to complete treatment. Working hard to make the work a success and satisfaction to the patient. Because some patients have poor if the dentist makes keeping well. He must come to the dentist again but at that he is poor. To see your dentist frequently, it might be impossible and dentists in gratitude in my opinion is that the benefits of the people as the core. Because the tuition portion of dental students, is the money from the tax people. Therefore, When dentists have come out, it should be to serve the people, as the Government and the people's needs. Yes, but it is thought the end was going to open a clinic to make themselves rich because there are still people like these are waiting for the dentist. Look, there are people that think that the Federal Government, we have to pay tuition fees themselves. Some parents, parents of students, your dentist may not have these funds. Then you should think about going to repay the society.
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