Nancy:Hello, today the company ft phone brings news releases. Since our company want to smartphone models that meet the needs of new generation is a company producing mobile office application exposureTo open up tomorrow morning to noon, and from an interview in the afternoon, where competition is the company ft phone and will announce the winner in the next day. Thank you
.The next day
score: Hello, now the participant selection? I first company to invite all the interview room it
gem: Hello, the first company? If so, please introduce it
company first:Hello, we represent the company. The company invented the Zamzam well communication innovation that can meet the needs of the user can play the game. Facebook, line, tornado, instance, exchange programs, or applications etc.Work efficiently, no thrust, don't hold the memory machine. Touchscreen smooth machine has a compact, portable, lightweight, waterproof sunglasses. The wind with a camera that is 80 million pixels. A scan pattern the toes.Memory system at large as the human brain. Use automatic voice command system, such as, listening to music, turn off turn movies. You can order. And open big screen projection is any place. There is also a scanning system with your eyes.And can translate to 500 languages around the world. Air quality that is not easy. We offered to you company in the resonable price wholesale price. Only the plane, 70000 baht. Hope that the company will work with your company!
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