Bullshit. I never wanted pipe. The quote for box was 23900 It's worth 6000baht. And you still gave me second hand set 720P, not 1080P I want new 16 channel or 10,000 baht back. And warranty card. Not receipt. A card
Bullshit. I never wanted pipe. The quote for box was 23900 It's worth 6000baht.And you still gave me second hand set 720P, not 1080PI want new 16 channel or 10,000 baht back.And warranty card. Not receipt. A cardOr I go police
Bullshit. I Never Wanted Pipe. Quote for the box was 23900 6000baht It's Worth. And You Gave Me Second Hand SET still 720P, 1080P not I Want New Channel 16 or 10,000 Baht Back. And Warranty card. Not receipt. A card Police Or I Go