ในกรณี Auto RCD flag = “Y” program จะ Check ค่า ถ้า occupation class ไม่เท่ากับ mortality class ระบบจะทำการ Auto Calculate premium ใหม่ – move code ส่วนนี้ออกจาก program
In the case of RCD Auto flag = "Y", the program will Check if the value is not equal to the occupation class class mortality system will Calculate the new premium Auto – move this section out of the program code.
The Auto RCD flag = "Y" program to Check if the occupation class does not equal mortality class will be the new Auto Calculate premium - move code from this program.
In the case Auto RCD flag = "Y." program will Check value. If occupation class is not equal to mortality class system to Auto Calculate. New premium - move code this part out of the program.