• Dan buggy to install weighing in the area before the checkpoint entrance charges through to control heavy truck than a certain law into a special way. Dynamic weighing systemsPark on the scale will be installed at the checkpoints, there's a lot of trucks and regularly. "At the same time, the consultant will offer to install the in-motion weighing systems, it works in tandem with a weighing, dynamic weighing system for parking. To help keep the system checkpoint weighing a lot of flexibility. By where to install the in-motion weighing systems, would be placed on the front before weighing scale Park stage because, when a large car ran through the in-motion weighing systems and payload via a benchmark will be able to logon to the incoming channels to get the Nob.Tonphan way and head to a special cable immediately. "At the same time, a car that has not passed the in-motion weighing systems standards. Such cars will be logged for weighing, dynamic weighing parking validation, and considering the weight meets the standard criteria for special applications of such cars. The composition of the weighing system consists of two systems include:O Mobile weighing system (Dynamic Weighting) are installed prior to the weighing system for truck parking when coming to the stage, weighing will be forced through the Normal Speed (Weight-In-Motion) by WIM equipment installed consisting of. Weight Sensor installed on the channels of the trucks through the checkpoint. Tire Dual Detector intended for checking the wheels in the same shaft. Weight Processor installed in a Cabinet and Cabinet wiring to the control building. Video Camera (if required) for saving the image. A truck load of overload.O the system weighing scales (Static Weighting) the Park by truck, weight limits are forced inward weighing scales Static type. In order to provide a more detailed scale by installed equipment consists of. the axle Weight Scale type weighing installation on trucks channel. the axle Weight of each Indicator to show the weight of the axle and gross weight to drive the truck weight loads. Weight Console used to control various devices in this area including the payload, which will send data directly to the Console to install the control Weighting in small stage for convenience, which officials in this area. This area is covered in weighing area in order to be able to work while the rain.
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