Now it's closer to noon and then we all look at the same page and know that every hungry man. Therefore, in a position to warn home altogether to ranoroi ate too track has a shop front in his village shop called Orange, papaya salad, this restaurant, which is the position of the saep saep track. Track has taken the position menu, the roasted crab and melon "fish and sweet onion, fresh milk, when grass jelly to eat with each other, it's off to warn the mouth full, we: "We will go." Water girl cute bright right questions "to measure the" track replies with a star and the mother temple tharot top in a quiet temple we went straight to the dearest WAT Buddha. Ask for a blessing by Buddhist traditions, until over time up to 3 o 5 minutes so we traveled here to capture the Learning Center's community ban Mae South top (vegetables, fruit processing project is cleaning products).
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