Hello, I'm the name Chai Pong PIM was born March 16, 1990, age 25 the nickname El นัถือ palueat El a high Buddhist lining weight 57 165 diffusion is the province. Now active brigades The military engineer in just Bura 111 Ratchaburi province.
Hi, I'm Mr. Pong nickname Pim A., age 25, was born on March 16, 2533 outlawed Buddhist group blood weighs 165 S. 57th was the province now occupied by the 111th Engineer Battalion at Camp Bura tiered Ratchaburi.
Hello my name is Chai Phong PIM, nicknamed AE age 25 was born on March 16 2533 that hold Buddhism group blood, a high 165 weight 57 as reagents. Now working at 111 sapper battalion in the camp, bura tiered Ratchaburi province .