The fifth part is that; the knowledge, society, everything with a child. On the first day I came here, I learn something new, meet many. The fifth part is a place that is like the beginning of everything. I have come to learn that I have to make something new. The places are familiar, but they are so long and familiar. Everywhere, everyone has a good and evil memories. In places where we've seen it 6 years ago, when exotic. Now it may become that which we do not want to. I used to live here than at home, and the other on the first day that I came to study at this school. I'm not familiar with that place in this school and don't know where the building is located where the arrival but today I am back in the fifth school familiar. Friends of friends in my life considered; the most important thing from my parents. Friends are the ones that are always beside. Comforting and encouragement happy time, it will be next to it. Friends are the ones that don't make me cry, but when I cry, it is next to friends, I can go through every story. Everyone needs friends, no one can live alone on a vast world. Friends, it is necessary and important for everyone. Spanish friends that people make every day my make my school more fun. I already shared with friends make me happy because we are like people who waited, listening to the various nonsense. Help me fix any problems
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