Outstanding list such as list of outstanding accounts receivable arising from the rental of hotel operations. Restaurants and office buildings of the company and subsidiaries in which the company and its subsidiaries have sale (property) He said the remaining hold-out, only the accounts that are listed as receivables in the financial statements of the company since the year 2542 as outstanding receivables amounted to 53 thereof by the company and subsidiaries have implemented tracking, accounts receivable, settlement. However, The company and its subsidiaries may not perform all of the debt accounts receivable because (a) the debtor is mostly foreign customers cause difficulties and take the time to track the prophesies and/or prosecute. (B) the debtor owes the debt started some since last year, making the company potentially 2542 lawsuit because the lack of debt over Hernandez, and (c) receivables arising out of the operation, some of the legal expenses that are not worth the amount owed, etc.
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