1. students read a phrase about invitations, responses, and declined the invitation on the textbook page 31 Ex.2b, student of the situations, the pair say that discussion (prompts), using the phrase in conversation at the table, and Ex.2a as template. Teacher observation of student activities is done randomly, some students called out spoken dialogue partners at the floor.2. open the track CD1/28 teachers, students listen to a brief conversation in a textbook page 31 Ex.3a pronunciation and accent, pronounced by the high-low in the sentence. Then students matched to the color of high-low sound training. Teachers serve as notice to assess and assist the activities of the students. 3. students doing Ex.3b in the books pages by 31 teachers to speak with students in the 1st person, so as, for example, students are paired up with a similar discussion in the Ex.3a speech by reminding the students pronounce high-low. Teacher observation of student activities and some randomly selected students, the pair came out to speak in front of class.
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