The world has changed since the past until nowadays, which changes for each.From time to time, causing the subsequent sequel, a man called natural disasters. Violence, much less, depending on the nature of the occurrence, and the environment. Tsunami waves are considered one of the natural disasters that have to take people's lives and damage is extremely mayomhasan.Especially when the December 26, 2004 tsunami wave events has created a.Lose, and I was one of the greatest time in the history of the world would like to inscribe. That his Majesty and the King of Siam Crown Royal suda Rattana Thep Kumari of conscious suffering of victims. Chai Foundation development has to provide them full assistance by using funds from the budget for reconstruction in the South, there are people whose faith has not come. donations either lack of wires. It is one of the Foundation's mission and task in addition to development and rehabilitation areas and also to improve the quality of life for people with sustainable. Tsunami or tidal is a term derived from the English language, translated into Japan. "Harbor wave or waves that reach the Gulf Coast or the port on which the word harbor harbor Pier translation spell it without the u spelling is American online section is the spelling of English harbour, the term refers to the Tsu Bay Shore or pier and Nami means wave. It is a type of wave name tsunami with wave length quite a lot and is a lag length of each wave is long, the size of the wave amplitude, the term used is the distance between the waves, compared to the average. This tsunami is often associated with earthquakes, so the tsunami can call another seismic seismic sea wave, which means relating to or arising from the earthquakes cause the occurrence of many other reasons. -Caused by the severe blow of a volcano like Galactic events, Goa. When the volcanic explosion of 2426 year translated into English as volcanic eruption a volcano that means the volcano. Best word meaning severe explosion eruption-Caused landslides, such as events in the Gulf of Minami, Japan. When the year 2476, landslides in English use the term landslide that has another meaning, one is the triumph that collapses in the election of any political party, political parties, or any person.-Caused by stones falling in the Gulf or ocean, such as events in the Gulf of California 2 ya la sky. When the year 2476-Caused by the movement of plate tectonics With tectonics, which caused a catastrophe such as Xuzhou sakan ALA event last year in the sky and 2507 (1964) ALA events that occurred at the South of the country, Thai. With the center of the earthquake in Indonesia The term plate tectonics in English use the term plate this plate that is meaningful for many things, such as food dishes or a car license plate, but it can be interpreted that the plate tectonics as well. Best crust that it used the word crust-Caused by an underwater blast from a nuclear bomb experiments and from gushing down of.-Bat check but occur less often. Although the tsunami wave disaster with enormous violence, footballer. But since that is not a natural disaster that occurs often in Thai country. But if the เถึง nature of this great danger, as well as how to be careful against damage and loss may be mild enormous, as in the past.
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