Scientific name: Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Sm.
is a species with ginger, galangal, popular, grown as ornamental plants, กันมาก. There is fried Ivy stem rhizome underground. Prosperous a clump higher 2 m
leaves:Edges are parallel arranged alternately in the same plane leaf tip sharp under Bi magenta, longer than 50 cm
flowersA bouquet of flowers from underground rhizomes Chu set up high. The flower petals are either red, pink and white. Flowers bloom for longer than one month. Until the flowers in bloom during the rainy season,
family name: Zingiberales
benefits:The tender was peeled off. The stems of ground beef peeled off the rest, but outside the core were burned or eat spicy seasonings. The bud prefer to eat the flower petals pink or white, sour south alley popular both shoots.Some take the flower petals put in the curry curry curry or drinks made quench
herbal properties: Flower Gagra have properties of herbs. Skin care urticaria and have the power to expel
propagation:Dala like soil moisture, organic matter is high. The sun half a day to a faint propagation by a separate offshoot planted in summer or the rainy season. By cutting the stems to about 30 cm above the groundThen grow into the prepared ground cover enough covered rhizome water. Soon they sprout. If grown as ornamental plants in the home to provide shade.
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