Today is Tuesday of week age 2. I woke up at 10.00 a.m. Each has a bath to beat Barry to a friend outside to eat, it is hit wayatiao at thaeosilom. Each home had a Melaleuca bath 17.00 a 19.00 hours to sleep.
Today is Sunday 2nd Tuesday of the semester. I woke up at 10:00 am. Have a shower and go out to beat Blackburn with friends outside. City finished ate it with TIAO the Silom. Home for 17.00 percent of the shower and went to bed at 19:00.
Today is Tuesday of the summer sun 2 I wake up at 10.00. Each wash up out hit the battery with friends outside. Finish eat it with M rows on Tien, go home at 17.00. Each shower, sleep time 19.00.