The book contract employees.
This edition of the book contract made by the company/partnership is limited to that
.......................................................................... Lake Road at SOI/.................... ............................. .................................. Road/t. .............................
Between companies/partnership contract which limits further .................................................................. is called
."Employment" a party with Mr./Mrs./Ms. ................................................................ who lived at House No./Street ...........
............................. SOI ................................ Road/t. ............................. District .......................
province ................The number of identity card ...................... ...................................... issued by contract hereinafter
............................ is referred to as "the contractor" one
partners both parties agreed a contract letter. There is the following text
1 text."Employment agreement" and "contractor" agrees, employment in the position, the Department/Division
................................................ .................................................. and/or as "employment" set
2 terms."Employment" agrees to pay compensation, "contractor" in the compensation rate for cash. จำนวน.......................บาท
(................................................................) Per month since the date of the month ........ ........................ Wed Fri until ...........
.......... date month. ......................พ.ศ.................
3. the normal working hours Monday – Friday and the weekend ...................................... companies define
. Verse 4."Contractor" must obey and follow the instructions of the "employment" or bosses, and compliance is required of an existing company. If a "contractor" to violate or do not comply with the company's disciplinary sanctions. 5 comments "contractor" will not work for someone else or operated either manually or by an agent or go to useful in any business endeavor or is damaged as well as acts of "employment"
. Verse 6.If necessary or appropriate, "employment" are to ensure changes to the Migration Act workplace tasks and normal working time of day, "he said. contractors". And the "contractors" operating without consent in any conditions.
. Verse 7.If the contractor wishes to resign from the duties that have been assigned to "contractors" make notice
, "employment" is at least 30 days in advance
an 8.If a "contractor" does not comply with one of the conditions to "employment" is to ensure that it does not pay for it, rather than to the
"contractor", "รัจ้าง people" do not have any claims to ensure all
. By both parties have read and understand the text in this contract, and that, based on the needs, it is important to the SMB page
sign ............................................................... employment
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