The benefits of Pandan leavesAromatic pandanus Ginseng nourishes the heart, moisturizes and reduces your heart rate (water pandanus leaves).To drink pandanus helps grenadine as well because the aromatic Pandan iced, so refreshing to relax.The sweet flavor of Pandan energy aid.To drink pandanus solves the General fatigue of the body.Balance in the body.Who is the owner of elemental fire as a meal made from pandanus leaves, makes cool, refreshing.Help cure diabetes, which helps control blood sugar levels by Thailand are Pharmacopeia pandanus leaves. 32 leaves, leaves of teak tree 9 bring sliced dried and brewed as a tea to drink at least 1 month or can I use the root about 1 handful boiled with water, drink it too cold morning (leaf, root).Reduce blood pressure (water extract from Pandan leaves).Help prevent hardening of the arteriesPandanus helps relieve symptoms and fever, toxic
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