2. electricity per unit.When we would like to know that this month we are going to use electricity? We are often familiar with many units which actually goes to the "unit" is 1000 watts or kilowatts. So WH/1000 = 23760 23.76 units.
2. electricity per month, we would like to know how much electricity we use. We are familiar with the term. A few blocks away In fact, a "unit" is 1000 watts or kilowatts that the 23,760 watt - hour / 1000 = 23.76 units.
2. Electricity per unit.When we want to know this month we use electricity to much. We usually familiar with the word used to a few units, which actually is a "unit". Or 1000 watts.Therefore, 23 760 watt-hour / 1000 = 23.76 units.