The purpose of advertising is generally below
1. To introduce new products or services to consumers targeted two. To offer information about the product or service useful features such as the type of product or service that is vital to the livelihood of consumers, etc. 3. To highlight the uniqueness of your product or service. Remember that consumers remember the brand of the product or service that has four. To create incentives Provocative or compelling Stimulate consumer interest in the product or service. This leads to the need to purchase goods or services; 5. To promote products or services to more. Competition in product sales Products or services to competitors. Or the same type of service It beat competitors to market. Boost sales or increase market share. Expanding the product or service to a broader trend 6. To Memory Emphasize the product or service in the memory. Consumers throughout the seventh. To create the product or service in the minds of consumers 8. To create the look and attitude for the better for the vendor's products or services; 9. To build faith, trust in your product or service to be recognized. This will result in Goods New or innovative services of the same supplier structure, ad text , ad text structure has five main components, namely : 1. the title or headline as the first part of the ad text. Or to attract attention to the wording epigrammatic concise, interesting, provocative and appealing to the target audience. By using the eye-catching A letter A clear There is more prominent than the other 2. Expand the headline headline or text messages made headlines expansion is clear. More or understanding on the main headline. This is the part that may not exist 3. Text ads are being expanded or more of the headings or headlines, which may explain the benefits. The benefit profile of the product quality, price comparison with other products. Or mention of such evidence. Quality Assurance Comments from various institutions from individuals, famous and recognized by the general public. Or reviews Experts etc. To persuade the audience to feel secure and amenable to in this section are used. Font smaller than the headline or subject line 4. Illustration is something that will supplement As well as increase awareness and understanding of the advertising message more important function is one of the illustrations. To create or attract the same headlines. But the illustration There should be a relationship with the headline and the content of individual ads to distract the reader. The illustrations are not only attracted attention. But also as a supplement or expand their advertising messages to provide more insight 5. The part that will make audiences feel and remember. And demand The product or service, or may offer useful again. And urged the audience to feel like the product or service so the summary is the most important part of the structure of the text ads because the audience may react in any way to advertise. When read a summary of ads
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