เมื่อแลกบัตรที่ป้อมทหารและเลี้ยวรถเข้าไปก็เพิ่งถึงบางอ้อที่ดินจากพระราชทรัพย์ส่วนพระองค์ที่ว่าไม่ใช่ไร่ที่ซื้อเอาไว้หลบหนีความวุ่นวายในเมืองหลวงหรือใช้ตากอากาศแต่มันคือที่ดินเพื่อใช้เป็นThe staff responsible for the project, you, three sornram Tong Tao members fastened the Royal อ.ท่ายาง in Phetchaburi and expert planting asparagus
.Later, the king's son of his mind. Have her come see the land and had bought the land the area of 25 and Rai for cultivated plants acting at the Royal ProjectOffer him but when return does not bring it head. But on his return he found it a head tumor, etc. So a message that it is also growing. The initiative to the crops.It doesn't matter. Project initiative
this project located at the district he jars, tha Yang, Phetchaburi Province, which is the source of this project is that He was a vassal to buy land in this area for residential planting crops
.Such as coconut, apple, lemon Basil diamond, pineapple, rice varieties and a large wooden from the coconut, apple diamond for crops. Such as lemon basil, thyme, sent from the shop's golden place only one shop.The staff said that his majesty come stamped Samran Mahan here many times. The king will drive the throne looked around with his own
.The project is far prosperity from tha Yang drive turn into the district they have enlarged the road began to smaller, two side filled with the field. The pavement, but he house. There the house there are two after.The second of the Bangkok governor highness offer number number one and number two to first understand that he is going to buy land in the remote business It also houses there. Why?When you reach the project will see the care and to exchange the cards of admission. Looked back to see the turbine generator about more than ten tree is high, a car registered Bangkok run garden as dust spread, narrow streets full of barbed wire fence is long.A large dam with the pavilion nonagon is high. We arrived at the farm of the king now
.Whose name it. That project. "It doesn't matter"
.When the currency card military fortress, and turn the car in. Just realize the land from the king's private property " Not a farm to buy escape the turmoil in the capital, or use the resort, but it's land to use.
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