นอกจากนี้บริษัท Ey ยังมีรในระดับดีเยี่ยม เช่น กิจกรรม ey birthday , กิจกรรม Ey outing trip ซึ่งถือได้ว่าบริษัท EY ให้ความสำคัญกับบุคลากรทั้งด้านร่างกายและจิตใจ
In addition, there are also excellent in Ey, such as events, activities, birthday outing trip Ey ey, EY that companies give priority to personnel in both body and mind.Care personnel.
Ey, the company also has the excellent level of such activity ey birthday, activities Ey outing trip, which held that the company EY personnel to focus on both the physical and mental care system personnel.
The company also has an excellent level Ey in activities such as ey birthday, activities Ey outing trip which can be considered the company EY importance to personnel, both in body and mind.The system of personnel.