Request interferes with food. 1. the company carried out the travel expenses up to airfares? Yes, between Thailand Philippines? 2. the company manages the use of plasma transport and Visa along with Yes, and? 3. the company has a health insurance card, keeping the company's time is not anything such as BUPA or AIA as a card and a social security card is issued as our House is a bargain? 4. in case of medical or medication not picked. Khloem can be made with the company, I. 5. the company has the money shifts (day or night), Public holidays or overtime and kri t o benefit from what we have. 6. the duration of your work and try to be an employee, for. Sick leave There are a few all day.7. the tax deduction companies how many% of salary, and when we reached is income tax in Thailand? 8. during the Philippines we can come flying back at home, I have a few times, and in this section we are out or that there is a code hotel company's, food. 9. the salary subject to talk first. Chae had as a child were verified with a rate of Thai baht against the peso. If the salary received after taxes home (where Phil Lim papin) left approximately 37000 baht Thailand it may not fit with the living. If the pay rate changes from the original 37000 is 50000 baht, Thailand has requested or not in. 10. do not know that the company that is in Chae join the team working with a friend, I Thailand? 11. the contract for the period of work in recent years, I. 12. an emergency such as a breaking of the hit stolen from his countrymen. We can help people. 13. prepare the food? For travel in connection with the duration of action of approximately a few weeks or a few whole food a month.
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