Statistics referring to figures showing the facts about a particular subject, as the statistics show rainfall. accident statistics students The number of AIDS patients is the province of
science or statistics refers to statistical principles and methods that
one. Data Collection
2 Presentation
3 Data Analysis
4 The interpretation of data
for statistics, engineering and science subjects that are very important subjects in Engineering and Science. As can be taken to help in the decision in question. For example, in manufacturing The industry was causing a few faults. The other study locations Both government and private subjects contained in this course. Students can apply their knowledge in the application of this to work. Statistics for engineering and science lessons consist of 10 lessons: 1. basic knowledge of statistics. 2. Probability 3. Random variables 4. probability distribution of discrete. 5. The probability distribution of continuity. 6. The distribution of the random sample 7. Estimated mine 8. Testing Statistical Hypotheses 9. 10. Analysis of variance and linear regression, correlation and simple. This covers all the examples in the application of science and engineering. Concept and Detailed
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