People wonder "(Chowder) is one of the cartoon characters from different countries. People wonder, is a cartoon with a combination of three types of animals, bears, cats, and rabbits. This story is about cartoon. The practice came under chef people cooking classes with a "roof" (Mung Daal). Who is the chef and has its own restaurant with the "tharaf" (Truffles), foen is the wife of mung tharaf foen is responsible for order and collect payment on your roof and there is a restaurant "thasen" (Shnitzel) chani as Assistant Chef of mung thasen chani was unable to speak, which is but a character in the story to hear that chani thasen say. American people, which is just a chef training. All stories are international, with thatched roofs, and his kitchen is a regular rider, but cute, bright and very good to eat. People to eat everything that is edible and non-edible's. In this story, but the food is not food, "in which ordinary people eat. The highlight of this issue is the name of a cartoon character of all is all. Although this is not a cartoon, but what matter can create fun. To enjoy. Entertainment audience.
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