Burmese history
• Myanmar has a history of long and complex. There are several species of people who have lived in this land. The oldest species include the Mon. Later, Century 13 Burmese refugees from the border between China and Tibet. Into the Irrawaddy River basin. And has become the most tribes that ruled the country at a later time. The complex history of Myanmar is caused by people living in the territory of Myanmar only. But the relations with its neighbors, including China, India, Bangladesh, Laos, and Thailand's
•. Humans have lived in the territory of the country, about 11,000 years ago, but the first tribe to build their civilization as unique is the Mon. Mon immigrants have lived in this land of approximately 2400 years before the era. And established the Kingdom of Thailand The kingdom of first place in the Century 2 at nearby Port at (Thaton), Mon influence of Buddhism through India in Century 2, which is believed to come from the expansion of Buddhism in the Reign of God. Ashoka the Great Records of the Mon largely destroyed during the war. The culture of the Mon arising from the mixed culture of India. Has its own unique culture into a hybrid manner. In the 14th Century, Mon has occupied the territory and influence in the south of Myanmar, and has cited a new call. Empire Suthamgosol Wadi in Pegu (Bago)
of precipitation: Phayun: Pure
• If the application or the application or kosher. Is a group that came to live in the land of Burma since Buddhist 4th century and was strengthened state up many of the pins Naka (Binnaka) look like boasting (Mongamo) Sri Agriculture (Sri Ksetra) Champions pan genome scale. (Peikthanomyo) and Sacred Lin Yi (Halingyi) during the period. Myanmar territory as part of the trade route between China and India. The documents are from China found The city is under the jurisdiction of the May 18 city and the Piu, a peaceful tribe. Did not appear to have a war going on between tribal Phayun. Conflicts usually end with the ability to elect representatives to the tournament. The Phayun wearing apparel made of cotton. Often criminals were punished by flogging or imprisonment. Unless a serious offense is sentenced to death. May the people of the Buddhist Theravada children receive education at the monastery since the age of 7 to 20 years
• State of the offseason did not include unity. But often large state influence over the small city-state. The expression by delivering a tribute to. The city-state's most influential Sri Agriculture. The evidence suggests that The ancient city is the largest in Myanmar. There is no evidence that the kingdom was established when Sri agriculture. But there is no mention in the Chronicle that the regime change takes place in the year AD 637, which shows that the Kingdom Sri agriculture have to be established earlier. It is clear that Sri agricultural empire was abandoned in the year AD 1199 to establish a new capital migration to the north. I still do not know exactly how the city is any town. Some historians believe that the city is the city of the Sacred Lin Yi. However, the town was invaded by the territorial prince in the 15th Century, then the people of the United unidentified another.
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