7.2 changes cause ภาะ
balance equilibrium condition. When the liquid evaporates, the number one place in container with lid set left in a room with a constant temperature. They found that the liquid level is lowered until it eventually becomes constant. This is because partial liquid rayeklai as an. At first, the more evaporation condensation Make liquid level drops over time. Condensation is greater and in the end, the rate of evaporation and condensation are equal. Causes of constant liquid level. Balanced State
When the system is in equilibrium conditions, various properties of the system will be fixed, such as the pressure density specific gravity concentration and intensity of color, etc.
. To determine whether a system is in equilibrium? How much time is required to be in balance, based on the properties of the system, as mentioned previously, for example, may be viewed from a system color. In addition to viewing by naked eye and may make it more evident by the various properties of the system burning graph together with the time. If it's a system that has the balance for a period of time, those properties will be fixed as a graph in the following example:
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