Engagement ceremony. When the auspicious day auspicious night. Next, it must be prepared and the engagement ceremony wedding ceremony later. The engagement ceremony is like comparing a brand or squatting to each other. Before the wedding ceremony to hand which aims at allowing people both have relied on education and more collections. Recognize learning to adapt more together, which is a good life in the future. Preparation of engagement clearance In that engagement fees equal as a downpayment, that girls were engaged and then goes out again, who doesn't like a party girl or adult to lift one another is not final. The cash portion of the dowry and dowry, the women's tour who is determined that both his parents as dowry and pledge to put covered interact together, called the Khan maak engaged. One of the fun in a procession to the stone walls or doors of Golden Gate girls party money, which most often is the offspring of the woman by take a belt or necklace, silver comes the procession through the barrier into the plain. Shop owner will have to wrap the man to take out cash prizes to be prepared before going through. By the late doors often use gold or diamonds for sale through high-value must therefore be increased by this procedure may have been joking among the women relatives and party processions (male) Create a jolly is even more. Preparing Khan MAK Khan maak is necessary in a marriage ceremony in which man must be prepared by a procession coming home party girls for the ceremony held in the morning, but what is the auspicious time or may be using a very auspicious Khan maak man who will prepare for the parade comes from the stone Bowl consists of the following: Khan maak EEK It is considered to be a single or double, but Crow Crow tradition popular with local include most humorous piece pool table. Tightening the money supply, or dowry, and tightening supply of beans, rice and sesame seeds, as well as favorable currency gold leaf leaves love flower shell of gomphrena. Marigold flowers, mostly roses, etc., to see what it means to be auspicious and paired top to make it look beautiful and are believed by some believed to be from the word "couple" themselves. Khan maak tho Our guys are used as food and sweets as well as theme parks and other pieces, including tightening the banana, coconut, chicken, pork and sugarcane liquor cakes boiled sweets, snacks and a large red boil varieties are more like 10 pairs of wet cake cake mix. A mail check box. Red sticky rice, etc. for each tray must be small sheets of red paper. Put the cover on to the parade, while Khan MAK. They have cheered cheers. Khan maak procession to stop outside the gated home. House entrance door has been blocked. Groom prepare envelopes up through A bargain up through the door will get through much, but OK. When the procession moves from the House into the bowl to put banana and sugarcane plantations as well as speaking to the question how to bring bananas, sugarcane planted, and watering, well, there will be plenty of product ball. In this operation. Consumers will get prizes from the host, for example, alcohol is the main, but some traditions, it will not remove the food, which can be a streaky pork and pastry used in weddings because they took a small but indispensable whether is the sugarcane and banana liqueur. For marriage The groom and his friends are ready to move to tightening the procession the bride. When I reached the door to the toilet, according to tradition, the women relatives. The offspring or bridesmaid comes with 4 doors, partitions, Dan Dan is the door. Golden Gate, each pair, or use just 2 doors, using a belt and chain necklace gold sale would have said the President was the tradition to be Khan maak procession and groom release, through the door block. Finally, before you go up the stairs in your home or House, they will have 2 children that women provided carpet foot water groom, the groom must pay every door Dan Dan until the rug is finished at the foot of water movement of Khan MAK. Once into the House the bride would have been humorous piece based on tradition. Bride would pay lets people donate to absorb and master piece by piece or document. But more than money focused document piece Bowl The morning ceremony Banquet " Newlywed couple together was dish prakhen. When I was done and then water was offered to the share of gravel, and then the bride and groom will offer parents and adult relatives of both parties. To show regard to respect towards parents and adult relatives by a newlywed couple are to pray at a pillow three times if the recipient is the parent or parents to pray to adults, but if it is any other person to pray without a single hand, and then send flowers, candles, incense sticks, Phan. Parents will receive and to pray to bless a couple. After getting the money would be sent to pray to interact with adults, newlyweds to be capitalised stages now, relatives may join the Fund. Then they help bring nuts, sesame seeds and flour come greeting he entered. Tightening the packing of various his engagement engagement Gold, silver, glass, sterling silver, cash value of dowry and followed by Phan, Wai, and gifts for the mommy party girls.Watering ceremony Considered to bless the bride and groom By parents or adult relatives to watering, watering plants, and then the bride, groom. After the ceremony was completed, if any party or child standing before it will be able to double their overlying the same belief in the morning of the newlyweds themselves. All it takes is a little "ceremony, according to the customs of their adult relatives, so that respect to take the bride to the groom with the bride training, respect, honesty, fear and husband love to groom training raising, honesty, with his wife and treats his wife like her role fits well, and groom to my adult may have their parents on both sides, the sermon here. The groom would be my parents of both sides were finished, everyone will leave the Chamber of Commerce, newlywed couple live together alone. Will be very long in the ceremony comes a lot.
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