1. the sides to facilitate justice and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Focus on speedily under the rule of law, a disclosure is required by law are the standards clear and appropriate types of cases. The strengthening of the cognitive System Board to speedily both Court and the High Court is more effective, including the establishment of the Court, in consideration of space and style to the public. The country has been rapidly across the equal and less expense, by providing technology. Information appropriate to promote and enhance speedily Management and service of the people. While the need to encourage the role of the judge. The quest for facts. Including support forensic processes used to prove truth is heard within the framework of the law, and encourage judges to use punishment or rehabilitation, correction by using discretion, appropriate circumstance, hotels and the preparation of.Each list, and promote the development of alternative dispute resolution systems, including the aim for protection of the rights of the accused or the defendant in a temporary release on the basis that the law defined by measures or methods that can prevent the escape used instead of collateral calls, and strengthening the role of the judiciary in monitoring the use of State power to protect. The rights and freedoms of the people. 2. the justice system development, to develop the system, provide public access to justice is easy. Convenient, thorough and cost less Improve the structures and systems of the Office of the Court of Justice and the Office of the Director-General the judge focused on power distribution sector in order to support the Mission of the Court of Justice, as well as human resources planning and management, including the development of appropriate laws and procedures, effective system.Appropriate, consistent with the economic and social development in the context of the accelerated programme of regulations issued regulations. These terms and the instructions of the President of the Supreme Court to comply with legislation and guidelines in the practice and development of specialized agencies and the court system into the position of judges with expertise in system development, budget management, resource use,Optimize and reform the database up to date, statute. Standards of management, more efficient litigation Cooperation with other agencies. In justice to drive policy. Of justice the justice, public. Efficiency and promote development for both internal communications-externally to allow all parties to personnel. Get quick and accurate information. 3. human resource development to strengthen ethics and fostering equitable justice, including promoting as a good example in their Government and judiciary personnel in justice court. Restructuring the system of research and development, and training courses to develop the potential of. Create new knowledge, strengthen the efficiency of the civil service and judiciary personnel in the Court of Justice in the. Continuous duty, and as a system. Welfare and improving the quality of life of the people in the judiciary and Government officials at all levels, so that the Court of Justice has strengthened stability. Have the availability to work appropriately and efficiently.4.ด้านการต่างประเทศ เสริมสร้างความร่วมมือ ทางการศาล และกระบวนการยุติธรรมเพื่อ ยกระดับศาลยุติธรรมไทยให้มีบทบาทในระดับสากล พัฒนาความร่วมมือทางด้านวิชาการ การฝึกอบรม แลกเปลี่ยนบุคลากรกับต่างประเทศ และเสริมสร้างให้ประเทศต่างๆ และองค์กรระหว่างประเทศเชื่อมั่นในการพิจารณาพิพากษาคดีของศาลยุติธรรม ไทย ทั้งนี้สำหรับการบริหารงานส่วนของสำนักงานศาลยุติธรรม ซึ่งเป็นหน่วยงานจัดการด้านธุรการที่สนัสนุนการปฏิบัติงานของผู้พิพากษาและ ข้าราชการในศาลยุติธรรมนั้น ขณะนี้นายอธิคม อินทุภูติ ก็ได้เข้ารับหน้าที่ปฏิบัติงานตำแหน่ง เลขาธิการสำนักงานศาลยุติธรรม เมื่อวันที่ 1 ต.ค.แทนนายภัทรศักดิ์ วรรณแสง ที่พ้นวาระการดำรงตำแหน่งแล้ว
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