บ่ายคล้อย เขานั่งรอเธอจากเช้ามืดจนตะวันเคลื่อนมาอยู่เบื้องหลัง เขายังห การแปล - บ่ายคล้อย เขานั่งรอเธอจากเช้ามืดจนตะวันเคลื่อนมาอยู่เบื้องหลัง เขายังห อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

บ่ายคล้อย เขานั่งรอเธอจากเช้ามืดจนต

บ่ายคล้อย เขานั่งรอเธอจากเช้ามืดจนตะวันเคลื่อนมาอยู่เบื้องหลัง เขายังหันหน้าไปทิศทางที่เป็นบ้านของเธอ แม่หญิงของเขา ลมเย็นพัดมาต้องผิวกายสีสำริด เขาหนาวกายแต่ในใจอุ่นซ่าน ละม้ายวันนั้น คำมั่นสัญญากับอ้อมกอดของนาง
“สัญญานะเจ้าคะ คุณพี่จะมารับอิฉัน”
เช้าวันนั้น เขาไม่กล้าโอบกอดเธอ ร่างสูงทำเพียงยืนให้สูงตระหง่าน มองใบหน้าอ่อนเยาว์ของเธอ แวบแรกนั้นคล้ายๆลมก้อนมหึมาเคลื่อนมาจุกอก เขาส่ายหน้าเบาๆต่อสายตาเธอ
“ทำไมเจ้าคะ” เธอยังกอดเขาจนแน่น ตอนนี้เขาเห็นชัดๆ เธอตัวเล็กแบบบางมากเพียงใด
เขานิ่งเงียบประดุจไม่อยากเจรจา แต่กลับไม่กล้าขยับตัวออกจากอ้อมกอดนี้
“ให้อิฉันไปด้วย อิฉันสัญญา...” เธอยังพูดไม่จบ เสียงห้าวต่ำตัดบทมาเสียก่อน
“เจ้าทำไม่ได้ดอก อย่าสัญญาเลย”
“ไม่! อิฉันทำได้ และจะไปกับคุณพี่”
“อย่าดื้อ ไม่งามเลย” เขาใช้น้ำเสียงของพี่ชายต่อน้องสาว
“งามไม่งามอิฉันก็จะไป คุณพี่สัญญานะเจ้าคะ สัญญาว่าจะมารับน้อง สัญญานะเจ้าคะ” ร่างเล็กของเธอพยายามเขย่าเพื่อคาดคั้นคำตอบ
ตราบเมื่อแขนเล็กขาวผ่องยองใยคลายความแข็งขืน แขนเล็กลู่ตกละม้ายไม่มีแรง ทั้งที่ก่อนหน้านี้แรงกำลังนางมากมาย
เขาใจหายวาบ ร่างเล็กทรุดลงกับพื้น “น้องอิน” เขาเปล่งเสียงไม่ดังไปกว่ากระซิบ ร่างหนาดุจขุนเขาคว้าร่างเธอขึ้นมาสู่วงแขนไม่ให้ลงไปคลุกฝุ่น
“อิฉันจะคิดถึงคุณพี่ อิฉันจะไม่เห็นหน้าคุณพี่ อิฉันไม่อยากอยู่เรือนนี้ คุณพี่ไม่อยู่ใครจะปกป้องอิฉัน” น้ำตาเม็ดเล็กผุดมาเหมือนสั่งได้ เธอร้องไห้ให้เขาเห็น
เขาห่วงเธอเสมอ แม้ตอนนี้ก็เช่นกัน “ใครจะทำอะไรเธอ อยู่บ้านนี้มีคุณแม่ เธอจะห่วงอะไร”
“ใช่สิ..คุณพี่ไม่ห่วงอิฉันนี่” จากน้ำตาตามมาด้วยเสียงสะอึก พร้อมสายตาค้อนขวัก
“พี่รักเธอที่สุด เธอไม่รู้หรือ”
“อิฉันรู้แค่ว่าคุณพี่รักคนอื่นด้วย” เธอสะบัดตัวออกจากอ้อมแขนของเขา มือเล็กปาดน้ำตาซ้ายทีขวาที “ไม่รู้ล่ะ อิฉันจะไปด้วย อย่างไรก็จะไป” ร่างน้อยกลับหันหลังวิ่งออกจากเงาไม้ ทว่าสี่เก้าเท่านั้นเธอก็กลับมาอีก ปิ่นเล็กๆทองคำล้วนเจ้าตัวดึงออกอย่างแรง ยัดใส่มือคนยืนมองนิ่ง สายตาวิงวอนเอื้อนคำสัญญา
ร่างเล็กวิ่งไปแล้ว แต่ยังมีเสียงลอยมา “สัญญานะเจ้าคะ คุณพี่จะมารับอิฉัน”
ลมพัดเช่นนี้เหมือนยามนั้น ต่างกันแค่เวลาเช้ากับบ่ายคล้อย ต่างกันที่มีเขา แต่ยังไม่เห็นเธอ “ลมเอ๋ยพัดพาสัญญามาหรือไร” เสียงกระซิบแว่วๆ ลอยจากสายลม ชายหนุ่มกำไท้ในมือไว้แน่น ไท้เก่าๆผืนนี้ภายในคือปิ่นทองคำวาววับ
เขายิ้ม ก่อนส่ายศีรษะให้กับเจ้าของปิ่นนั้น
“กระบวนพระยศพระเกียรติไม่มีใครเกิน” ใบไม้หนึ่งลอยคว้าง จากแสงแดดบ่ายใกล้ถึงแสงสุดท้ายแห่งวัน “ที่สุด เธอก็ทำให้พี่ไปไหนไม่ได้ อินหนออิน เธอให้พี่รอเธอ แต่ผู้อื่นเขาคงไม่รอพี่”

เรือนงามเงาวับเพราะนางรับใช้วัยละอ่อนก้มหน้าก้มตาขัดถูสวนกันไปสวนกันมา โดยต่างเงยหน้าขึ้นมาเป็นระยะเพราะประหลาดใจกับเสียงหัวเราะใสที่อยู่ๆก็ดังมา และอีกคราวก็หยุด อีกคราวก็มา เป็นไปอยู่เช่นนี้ตั้งแต่เย็น นี่ก็ค่ำแล้ว แม่หญิงน้อยยังนั่งยิ้มอยู่ผู้เดียว
ลมปลิวพัดละอายเฟื่องฟ้าขอบชาน เส้นผมยาวสยายปลิวสะบัด “แม่นายไม่อยู่คุณหนูเลยไม่งาม”
“นั่นสิ ท่านๆไม่อยู่กันสักคน”
“แกว่า คุณหนูเธอดีใจอะไร?” หัวสองหัวแทบจะถูพื้นชนกันเพื่อฟังเสียงกันและกัน
“จะได้ไม่มีคนแกล้งดุเธอน่ะหรือ” สองสาวเอาหัวชนกันอีกครั้ง กลั้นหัวเราะ
“คุณใหญ่เธอไปทหารแล้วยัง ทำไมไม่มีใครตามเธอ”
“โอ๊ยเธอนี่ ใครๆก็รู้ว่าคุณใหญ่เธอเป็นยังไง ถ้าเธอบอกไม่ต้องลำบากแปลว่าอย่ามาให้เห็น”
“นั่นสิ” สายตาคู่นั้นเหลือบมองคุณหนูเล็กของบ้านที่นั่งยิ้มน้อยยิ้มใหญ่ “แต่แปลกนะ คุณใหญ่เธอจะไปอย่างนี้ ทำไมคุณเล็กเธอกลับมานั่งยิ้ม ครั้งแรกคุณๆคิดกันว่าเธอคงอาละวาด”
“นั่นสิ ทำไมนั่งยิ้ม”

ลมดึกโกรกม่านบังตา หน้าต่างบานเดียวเปิดอ้ารับกลิ่นหอมของดอกปีบ ปีบต้นใหญ่กิ่งก้านชะแง้เข้ามาเคลียเคล้าม่านขาว ลมเย็นพัดมาวูบเดียว ดอกไม้สีขาวก้านยาวหล่นลงบนพื้นกระดาน ความขาวกระจ่างแม้ในเงามือยังมองได้รางๆ
“ปีบน้อย...เจ้าอยู่ตรงนี้เห็นคุณพี่ไหม” มือบางประคองดอกไม้อย่างทนุถนอม
“ปีบน้อย เจ้าว่าคุณพี่จะโกรธฉันไหม”
“คงโมโหมากเลยสินะ ฉันไม่น่าไปโกหกเธอเลย เมื่อครู่คนเขามาบอกว่าคุณพี่คืนเรือนแล้วปิดประตูเงียบ ถ้าคุณป้ารู้ก็คงโกรธฉันเหมือนกัน จะว่ากระไรได้ ลูกชายท่านไม่ได้ไปทหารก็เพราะฉัน ฉันทำถูกไหมปีบน้อย”
ร่างเล็กเห็นเป็นเงาๆเอนอิงพิงกรอบหน้าต่าง สายตาทอดมองยาวไกล ไม่มีเลยกิริยาเหมือนเมื่อเย็นนั้น
“เจ้าฟังฉันหน่อยนะ ไม่มีใครเข้าใจหรอกว่าฉันทำไปทำไม แม้คุณพี่ก็คงว่าฉัน หาว่าฉันทำตัวเป็นปัญหาเหมือนที่คนอื่นคิดกัน เจ้ารู้ใช่ไหมปีบน้อย ยามบ้านเมืองวุ่นวายเช่นนี้ทหาร...” คำสุดท้ายทำให้เจ้าของคำพูดจำต้องถอนใจยาว
“คนเป็นทหารแพ้ก็ตายชนะก็ตาย เหมือนคุณพ่อฉันไง”
“ฉันเด็กๆเจ้าจำได้ใช่ไหม ฉันมองดูคุณพ่อลงเจ้าไว้บนดินนั้น คุณพ่อให้เจ้าอยู่เป็นเพื่อนฉัน ถ้าฉันรู้ว่าการได้เธอมาคือการเสียคุณพ่อไปฉันอาจจะไม่เอาเธอไว้” หญิงสาวหันมากระพริบตากับใบหยักไหวของต้นปีบ แรงลมทำให้มันทำอาการประดุจจะเข้าใจ
“ใช่แล้ว พอฉันรู้ว่าคุณพี่จะไปทหารฉันถึงยอมไม่ได้ เจ้ารู้ใช่ไหม ในจำนวนคุณพี่ทั้งหมดฉันรักคุณพี่ใหญ่กว่าใคร เพราะเธอเห็นฉันเป็นตัวโปรดเสมอ ไม่เหมือนคุณพี่อื่นลูกคุณพ่อแท้ๆแต่เกลียดฉันทุกคน” หางเสียงขึ้นนาสิกแสดงถึงลักษณะเอาแต่ใจอย่างเห็นได้ชัด
“ฉันรู้เช่นนี้แล้วที่ไหนจะยอมให้คุณพี่ไป หากคุณพี่ไม่รอฉันดังปากว่า ฉันสัญญานะว่าจะตามคุณพี่ไปแน่นอน แต่นี่คุณพี่ไม่ไป มันแสดงว่าคุณพี่รักฉันกว่าใคร ปีบน้อย บอกคุณพี่ทีว่าฉันรักคุณพี่มากเหลือเกิน”
เสียงลมหายใจกลั่นจากอกจนดัง ช่อขาวที่ย้อยต่ำจึงปลิดก้านลงหาดิน
“สิ้นคุณพ่อ ฉันก็ถือคุณพี่เป็นหลักยึด นี่ถ้าคุณพี่ไปเสียแล้วฉันจะทำเช่นไร บ้านฉันมากคนก็มีแต่ผู้หญิง ถึงฉันจะถูกคุณแม่ดุทุกวัน ไม่ชอบท่านเท่าใดนัก แต่ฉันก็รู้นะว่าคุณแม่ท่านเหนื่อยมากแค่ไหน ฉันรู้คุณแม่ท่านห่วงทุกคนในบ้าน นี่ถ้าคุณพี่ไปทั้งคุณแม่คุณป้าไม่แย่หรือ ลูกคุณป้าคนอื่นๆเอาถ่านเสียที่ไหนกัน”
ลมพัดอีกวูบ มือขาว
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
THF was waiting for her from dawn until the sun moves behind the scenes. He also turned to the direction of her house. His mother Cold wind blows have bronze skin color. He was cold, hot body, but in mind fibrils. Inclusiveness that day"Promise me you You're going to get Aiฉan "
morning he did not dare to embrace her. It only stands to tall towering. Her face looked youthful At first glance, it resembles a wind stopper moving massive chest. He shook her gently on the eyes
."Why are you here," she hugged him tightly. He now saw clearly She is small and very thin
he does not like the silent dialogue. I did not dare to move out of this embrace
"to Aiฉan with. Aiฉan contract ..."She did not finish Low bass cut beforehand
"You do not have flowers. Do not promise me "
" NO! Aiฉan done and will go with you, brother, "
" Do not pretty stubborn, "he used the voice of a brother sister
."Beauty is beauty Aiฉan it goes. I promise you that you I promised to get I promise you that, "he tried to shake her for screwing answer

but still, they are still settling.As long as small arms whitest healthily relieve ousted. Track small arms fall limp inclusiveness. Both the previous and forces her
.He collapsed to the ground stunned the small seizures "sister-in", he voiced more than the whisper. Thick as her body seized up the mountain to the arms down to prevent dust
."I will miss you Aiฉan Aiฉan you will not see it. Aiฉan not want this house You're not one to defend Aiฉan "Tears sprang like a smaller order. She cried to him
He always cares about her Even now, too, "Who is doing what she This home moms She is worried about anything, "
" Yeah .. you should not worry about this Aiฉan "of tears followed by a hiccup. The hammer and sight translation
"I love her. Her knowledge or "
"Aiฉan I know that you love one another," she snapped out of his arms. Small hand wiping tears left and right, "I like to go with Aiฉan. However, it will go "back to the running backs out of the shadow tree.Pin tiny gold are referred to as hard to pull off. Stuffed into the hands of people standing still. Eyes pleading utter promises
Running a small to But still there floating "Promise me you You're going to get Aiฉan "
.This is like blown therein. It's just the morning to late afternoon. There are different But she has not seen "O, wind swept the This or That" whisper of breeze drifted faintly young Tai in hand, clutching it tightly.He smiled, shook his head before pinning it to the owner
."The process is not less than the rank and honor," leaves one drifting aimlessly. Afternoon sun near the last light of day ", she finally gave in, I did not go in her brother waiting for her. But he could not wait "
" That is good, "

., House, for she was a sleek young laboriously scrubbing garden to garden together. By the time I looked up a surprise with the laughter that suddenly came clear. And another time, another time it was stopped.This evening I have sat smiling little girls alone
.Wind blow shame blown bougainvillea patio edge. Spread flaunt long hair "I'm not your mother is beautiful"
"quite right. You're not a person, "
" Gary said. Miss her, what else? "Mop heads, two heads, almost colliding listening to each other
."I am glad you are not a person, she quipped,"
"can not be faked, she scolded her or" two girls collided head again. Laughter
"You are a soldier she already has. Why did no one follow her "
."I was here, it was great to know you she is not. If she does not have to be difficult not to imply that the "
."That's a classic" double vision is a glimpse of the house sitting smiling little rodents you a big smile, "but I know you, she's going to like this. Why do you sit back and her smile. First, you would think that she still rampant, "
" That's it. I sat smiling "

.Winds late Uplands blinds Single window open and the fragrance of flowers. Year on the big branches of white curtain shielding to cuddle. The sudden cold wind blows only Long-stemmed white flowers fell on the floor board."This year's a little ... you are here to see you like this" hand holding some flowers cherishes
"lobes less. You said you like me to anger "
."It really upset me I'm not going to lie to her. When his teacher told you that night house, and shut the door quietly. If you know me, I would be angry too. Have to say? Your son did not go because I was a soldier. I've done this year, less "
.Seen as a small, dimly-based leaning against the window frame. I looked long and deep fried No bearing on the evening like it
."You listen to me a little I do not understand why. Even though you know that I would. I can not be a problem, as others think. I know, right? Lobes less. This chaos guard army ..."The last word I had to make a long sigh
" The soldiers beat to death defeated died. I think like a father "
."My children, I remember it right. I look into your father on earth. Father to you, my friend. If I knew that she was a bad father, I may not take her "girl turned to twinkle with wavy serrated leaves early on."Yes, well, I know you like to go to the military, I can not allow it. I know, right? You're all I love you in a big way. Because she always saw me as a favorite. Not like other children his biological father, but I hate all "."I know this, I will not let you go. If you can not wait, I'm loud mouth. I promise you that I will follow you to the course. But here you go I It shows me that you love me more than one year, I told you that I love you so much I "
.Breathing from the chest to the refinery. Bouquet of white stalactites and thus deprive the stick into the ground
."I'll hold you like the Father as the main anchor. If you do not go then I will do so. I had a good home but a woman. To me to be the mother scolded every day. Not like you much But I also know that you are tired it is.If you do not go with your mom or your aunt, not bad. Grandma Rotter lose the others where "
.Wind blowing the syncope White Hands
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Yield to afternoon. They sit and wait for her until the morning comes from the Northwest behind the movement. He is also facing the direction of her home. His mother (female) A cool breeze blows from the bronze colored skin. His body warm, but in the winter, ESP. of lamai. "I promise God and you brother to come get ichan"
. Early that day. He is not willing to embrace her. The body is made of high standing, majestic views of her youthful face. The first cell came out more like a mobile konomhuema wind stopper. He continued her eyes gently refusal
"Why, God?" She also hug him tight until he Now, he sees some very clear her much smaller body
he talks as if he doesn't want to silence. But I was not willing to budge from this embrace
"ichan ichan with contract ..."She also said no sound comes short cut low end before dashing
" do not at all do not contract it, "
" and not to ichan! with you, brother, "
", do not resistant. No beauty at all. " He uses a tone of brother sister
"Beauty is beauty, the elder ichan I am promising you promise to pick up his contract, I am," he said. Her small body trying to shake to force answers still but still powerful embroidery master slide
.So when a bright white yongyai small arms and small arms to resist stronger track don't have both strong lamai fishing earlier strength was her lot
.He's lost a little ground to the groundwater body guaranteed "his the" he doesn't utter: go over to whisper. The thick body, as though her body to grab up mountains to keep arm band into Cadbury
."Elder ichan ichan will be unable to see your brother you House no ichan PI is not who will protect ichan" tears a small pellet like POPs. She saw him cry
He cared about her. Even now, as well, "who would do anything for her at home with her mother, this is what hoops"
"Yes! ... you were not worried about the consequences of tears here" from ichan voice rendered speechless at the sight of her beloved older brother
khwak "hammer. She does not know, or "
."You just know dear elder ichan others." She had to turn away from the arms of his hands, a small tear right now finishing left it "don't know about ichan will go. However, it will go to "draft a little back backs ran out from a shadow stick. Small plain gold pin-feed owner out strong people still looked at the hand-stuffed bottom eyes beg for promise to sing melismatically
.The body is smaller, but there are also ran floating sounds. "I promise God and you brother to come get ichan"
.The wind blows like this, as the guards are different just the morning with there in accordance with the same afternoon he had not yet seen her "wind blows, take the contract or matter" whispering sounds waeo floating from the breeze. Young men in Taiwan are hand tight. He smiled before staggering to the pin's owner head
."God's glory ranks process no one is over," he said. A leaf floating aimlessly drifting Light from the sun reaches the final afternoon of the day "that she's not going anywhere, the Internet: her brother waiting for her, but others he did not wait for a damn good shot"

.House beautiful shadows with sparkle or twinkle because of her age even though she fell face down to an eye abrasion. garden park. By periodically coming up page to raise overseas because of a surprise with a laugh, it was clear that ayu and the other time, they stopped another time. This was the night. Women still sit smile is the only person
.Master of the wind blows ashamed to be diffused, the sky terrace edge. Long hair in the wind blowing "flyer to untie MOM said no, you rat!" that is not "
beauty! Than not live together alone "
" Grand that you, myself she glad? "Chief headed almost rubbing ground collision to the sound each other
."She's glad he isn't too many people creating tattoo"
"is not someone to annoy me or her remembrance." The two girls took a head collision. To restrain a laugh
"you big girl soldiers and also why no one as her"
."How do you know if anybody here, she's big, she is a fellow. If she says no hard meaning don't come to see "
."That's the pair of eyes," XI Squeak home of residents who sat smiling a big smile, "but little surprise!, you will like this big, why don't you sit back a little, she smiled for the first time creating a disturbance that she thought he agreed"
"that XI

why are" smile seating.The curtain of the night wind bangta Krok Single window open * get the smell of flowers PIP. Head-PIP changae twigs from coming into the white curtain thirst for CLEA. Cool breeze blows came to Flash suddenly. White flower stem length drop down on the floor Board. "This is ... years of seeing you, baby?" Some tools to support carefully as Danu flower preservation
"PIP brothers that owners be angry at me?"
."Probably anger at sina I'm not going to lie to her. When a man he said had already closed the door casing, you quiet nights. If you know my aunt, the same that I angry?. Your son did not go to the military, because I. I was little PIP? "
.The body is leaned a little respect is seen ngao window frame cast a long view, sight. No manners like to cool.
"Listen to me, I never understand how I'm doing, why do you even go to brother, if I find out that I'm doing the same things that other people think. God knows the little PIP? This busy city Home Guard soldiers ..."The last word, saying owners need a long sigh
" people in the military lost it die die! Like my father, I mean? "
"I have children who need to be? I looked my father down the owner on Earth. My father, who is my friend. If I knew that she was taking my father to me may not remove her. " The girl turned very curly-the Flash animation of the PIP. "Yes, I know you were just going to concede to my soldiers. God knows? In how many you brothers are all big brother I love you more than anyone else because she saw me as the other brothers like you always see the ball real father but I hate everyone, "he said. "I knew then that I had let you go. If you wait, baby, I can't say that I had the contract to you brother, of course. But here you can't brother. It shows that you are more than a little brother who I love PIP. Tell you I love you, baby, baby "by too much"
.Distilled from the breath sound until the white bouquet, so low down the shaft to find euthanasia yoi DIN
."My father was considered a senior anchor. If you were going to lose, I'm going to do with it. I have one at home, but the woman. I will be the mother of the remembrance, every day. I don't like him much, but I know that your MOM very tired? Here, if you were to both MOM aunt not worse. The other man killed aunt coal removal? "
.The wind blows again to Flash suddenly white hands.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Late afternoon he sat waiting for her from morning till the sun moved behind him to face the direction of the women as a home away from home for her mother's cold wind blew his body skin color must be bronze body, but in his heart he cold seeped up to resemble warm day."I promise you that I will come to pick up were drowned."
that morning, he did not dare put his arms about her, and stood up to a lofty look youthful face of her first glimpse of the huge boulders moved like the wind stopper, he shook his head lightly against her eyes
"Why did you?" she hugged him tightly to her, and now that he was evidently a small
Some how much he seemed to be still did not want to negotiate, but dared not move out of arms, "
this sad end to a sad end contract ..." she said to cut low, hoarse voice is not complete without first
"Ye do not do not contract out."
"No! I do. And I'll go with you."
"do not obstinate does not shine out." was the tone of his brother to his sister
"beauty is not beauty, it will leave no stone unturned to you I promise, promise, promise I will come to take his brother's little come." She tried to shake it to force the answers
but they still had to settle down to steady
As long as small arms when fiber fair horror release, resist small arms fall to resemble track is not a powerful force in both the earlier and she many
little slumped down in a flash he was shocked to the floor." He uttered a "brother-in is not as thick as a peak body to whisper took her into his arms, not mingled with the dust
"I will leave no stone unturned to think of you I can't see you I do not want to leave no stone unturned in this house that I do not, who will protect you leave no stone unturned." Tears sprang to the injection of small order, as she wept, and he saw
Even though she always had the rings now, too" who will be doing what she was at home, her mother, she will be concerned with what you have."
"Yes, you don't leave no stone unturned here." from the rings, with tears in her eyes with a hammer B hic beckoned to
"I love you." She did not know or
"I only know that I love you." She shook off the other people with out of his arms. Small hand wiping tears left side "don't know what I will do, it will go to a little back to." Bill turned and ran out of shadeTop little tuft of gold were pulled strongly to thrust into his hand, and stood still, looking at her eyes Wons mindedly promise
little to run, but also a voice floated up. "I promise you I will come unto thee, and were drowned."
The wind blew like it, so it was different: In the morning to late afternoon, but he didn't see her son, "The wind swept, contract, Kid." whisper floating pulsation from wind (P) a lord in his hand he clutched tightly.He smiled, shook his head, before the owner was
top"The proceedings there was no more than the honor to stand on one's dignity" leaves one swam in the afternoon sun near the last light of the day "she did it, I don't have to go somewhere else in the world, she was waiting for her brother, but he would not wait for the other brother."

"Damn good".a pretty and gleaming because she is using a low-age lowered his head to rub gardens, garden, and looked up with a surprised because I puzzled greatly over the laughter, as they came and once again he stopped once again, it wasThis is at least the woman had dinner, and then she smiled, sitting on the same
The wind had blown away the edge of the platform was ashamed to prosper blue hair length hair blew threw her mother, "I don't you are not pretty."
"Everyone knows that it is not a man, he said."
"what?" She was glad to be the second floor of the head was almost rubbing together to listen to the sound,
"I am so glad that she is not a man perpetually Khun"
"there is no one who pretended to be scolded her two daughters" or "put their heads together again to restrain her laughter
"Big soldier, but also why there is no one with her."
"Oh, everybody knows that she is a big what if you don't have to tell her that you do not interpret difficult to see."
"That's it." His eyes, he glanced at her home, in the small seat, smiling at least smiled, "It was strange, but she was going to like this large you why didn't you come and sit down to her, she smiled at small Khun first thought that she would have to run amok." "That's why

sat, smiling".Late night wind to leach blinds window open, one is the smell of flowers in the beginning of the year big branches and pricked up her ears inquiringly into white curtains pet fondle breeze blew out one white flowers long stem fell down on the planks"This year is the Ajarn ye have seen me do this." his hands clasped some flowers, cherish
"Last year the least thee, that you will be angry with me."
me?"I was very angry, I am not going to lie to her right, so Khru, he came to tell me that you would be back, and shut the door quietly, if you know my aunt would like to be angry with me, what you did not have to go to war. His son, I do it because I would be the last year at least."
A bill that is a small, lean back against the window frame shadow eyes looking long no manner, as the evening was
"Listen to me, I don't understand what I was going to do what I would have thought that even if you do I find that I have a problem, just like the other people think you know, do you? The country's busy little soldiers ..."The last words, the owner must be long sigh
"man in a military defeat was dead, dead beat dads like me." "
"I remember my children. I looked at my dad? it down on the ground; it was my father, my friend, I know that she is to be the father, I would not go with her." She turned and blinking, and the beginning of the Year of the wavy leaves."Yes, yes, I know that you will go to my brother, I would not have you know? In all of you that I love you my big brother more than anyone else because she saw me as always, please do not just like you my brother. I hate my father, but what I have all"."I know this, and then where are you going to let me go if you don't wait for my mouth, as I promised that I will be with you my brother, of course, but you don't go to it, that is, you love me more than I have told you that I was in the least that it was so much. I love you my brother."
distilled from the breast, until his breath sound like a bunch of white stalactites and stalagmites and therefore lower the lever down to earth to kill
"end of my father was holding you I took this as a main if I go to your house. I will do whatever it was, I am very much a woman, but I will be your mother scolded him every day, but I didn't like you much, you know, that your mother was tired?I am here if you go to both of you or your child is not bad Khun aunt aunt other men put coals, where."
The wind blew his hand white.
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