Date of Birth: may 5 blood type: AB height: 169 cm
weight: 58 kg. Words like: "floor will to mangle her to die like that
page sushi: Sushi Kanbachi (Kanbachi is the name of the fish)
favorite food:Japanese food (would be a type of regional cuisine) and hamburgers,
hometown: Japan
belong to the fight: guardian เมฆา, squash, a ring of Congo player,
the characteristics of the light elements:The digestion เมฆา (an advantage like floating on a cloud as much as you like it is not going to be bound to any one)
the identity ring: Ring of เมฆา (in 10 years of war to the ring is not known, of course)
number of boxes:2 (box 2, porcupine, wild boar, and the box, the box is expected to be highly flammable weapons same as a box)
weapons: Tom นฟา (wood, try).
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