People who are carriers of the disease (HBsAg) can spread infection. 1. blood). Receiving blood or blood components containing HBsAg is. 2) using a syringe sharing. The use of such a razor sharp scissors, cut the nails which may contain blood through skin, according to Roy's tear. 3) sexually with a tear of the lining The fuel in the blood in the semen in the vagina, through the carrier to experience a disease in this way, her husband is infected, it will convey to fuel his wife. The mother is a carrier 4) infections, caused by infections passed to the ball while near the vagina while baby is by blood in the slime that is in the vagina and into the water to moan through into the skin and lining of the ball may bruise or tear. 5) through saliva, even though it is less, but have been repeatedly adding even more, it may be your semen to touch people the disease, such as the use of toothbrush. Use a spoon to eat food such as water, glass, water-sharing straws or chew food before she entered the ball, it could be a relay fuel choice. 6) to infected milk in HBV infection is through milk to children. In a country that has the incidence of HBV infection is very low, for example, a country United States (0.1% incidence) is not recommended as a carrier mother breastfeeding mother but in development and/or countries with a high incidence of the infection, the World Health Organization recommends that breastfeeding mothers because of the risk of infection rate is less than the problems that will arise from diseases, stools. Diarrhea and other infectious diseases, and those exposed to every phaphotnakan. If children do not eat milk.
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