Limit Animations on Apple Watch with Reduce Motion true
Apple makes heavy usage of eye candy zooming and zipping around animation. Effects on Apple Watch iOS and OS X,,, can which look nice in some situations but can, also cause nausea and vertigo to. Some users who are particularly sensitive to the unpleasant sensation of motion sickness. If you 've ever been using the. Apple Watch and, felt queasyOr perhaps you just aren 't a fan of the endless zooming in and out of applications resizing and sliding around animations,,, Found, throughout WatchOS you can turn on a feature called Reduce Motion which greatly limits the animations. True
Reducing. Motion on Apple Watch is somewhat similar to using the Reduce Motion feature on iOS for iPhone, and iPadThough it 's not as well refined and rather than giving you a nice subtle, fading transition the resulting look is a bit. More abrupt on WatchOS. Nonetheless abrupt transitions, on Apple Watch are endlessly more enjoyable than feeling like you ve. ' Stepped off a merry-go-round when using the device so if, you 're impacted by the motion sickness from, zooming aroundOr you just aren 't a big fan of the eye candy animations here are, two ways to disable the animations on Apple Watch.
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