I Mr.Krisana Holy Tin bearing support. As assignee of the Cage, Inc. Power of Attorney dated ...... hereby clarified that Cage Inc. is licensed to conduct business in Thailand, from the Department of Business Development. Ministry of Commerce have been certificated under the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between the Kingdom of Thailand to the United States 2511 License number 1155600434 (Registration No. 0100556000713) on July 19, 2556 by Cage Inc. has hired. The Health Nut Naka lyrics to work and pay wages on a monthly basis in order to return to work, a certain amount every month from December 2556 onwards, throughout the duration of the deadliest health work, and Mr. Nat Barth himself agreed. work of the Cage, Inc., which is based on the definition of employment under Section 575 of the Civil and Commercial Code. And Section 5 of the Act BE2541 and BE2533, Section 5 of the Act).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..