Sukhothai historical park. Covering an area of ancient Sukhothai. The rule of Sukhothai
, which have the power in the area of the northern
.In the late 18-19 planning Sukhothai look oblong. There
approximately 2 kilometers wide and about 1.6 kilometers. There is a gate in the middle wall
.Each town side, inside are the remains of the palace and temple again 26. The largest temple is wat Mahathat.
The park is maintained by the Department of fine arts, with the help of
.UNESCO has left hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. Which can walk or ride a bicycle tour visit
the Sukhothai historical park was first announced by the Government Gazette ประกาศคุ้มครอง
.Nu, Vol. 92 when 112 dated 2 August 2504 later in the 2519
restoration project of the park was approved. , and was officially opened in the month of July
2531 on 12 December 2008UNESCO has declared 2534
to this park, a world heritage site
present Sukhothai As the city history displayed any evidence of civilization, a
.To thrive in the past. Reflected image of the Sukhothai kingdom in "dawn of the
Happy", and it is the dawn of history, the Thai nation. Once established the country as the free state
.Until the state of the Southeast Asia during the late 18-19 a
time up to more than 200 years with this outstanding. In the historic town of Sukhothai and
.The Acropolis. Has been preserved and developed as a historical park and get up
registered on the world heritage list last year. The 2534 value and distinctive criteria as follows:
.The rules that 1 agent shows a unique arts with
aqua and exquisiteness masterpiece has been the creative genius of art
.Rule number 2 represents a unique, rare Or evidence that
show traditions or civilization, which still remain, or it may be lost and
.The evidence is the ancient artifacts of the ancient city, which still appears in the present.
represents the prosperity of economy, society, politics, religion, city is
."The dawn of happiness", and it is the dawn of Thai history. Since the establishment of the house
city as an independent state. Even became a state important regions of Southeast Asia and in those days, and you
.Decentralization and prosperity to the Acropolis, Si satchanalai PHET consist of a
Kingdom จักรอั in great. And with exquisite architectural outstanding representative
.Of the Siamese art in the first. The original building and country. The park history
science Sukhothai Was registered as a world heritage site. When the 2534
.Sukhothai historical park is located at the District, old town district, Sukhothai. Space
all around 70 square kilometers. In the past, was the capital of the first between
.Late 18-20 when Tai began to settle the foundation political and
economy. Source culture flourish maximum era. Located in the forest and the
.Nature, the city is one of the culture of the nation the evolution to maximum.
to be recognized as a precious cultural heritage of the world. UNESCO has ever sent an
.Expert for advice on the master plan of Sukhothai. And assist the
the financial equipment, etc. at the same time, the international campaign operatives to
.Preserve the ancient sources of Sukhothai. Also established a joint working group of UNESCO. To
follow-up operations in this project. The operation of the UNESCO in the conservation of
.Historic city of Sukhothai. The reputation of the Sukhothai is prevalent all over the world and
becomes a source of data sample conservation in this region of the specialized
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