There are a few different ways to find Hay Day friends try these, out so you can enjoy Hay Day to its fullest.Connecting to Facebook (Settings > Facebook Connect) will automatically link you to your Facebook friends who are playing. Hay Day and have, also connected their game to their Facebook account.You can also follow up to five farms. Just visit a farm and tap on the "bookmark" icon next to the farmer avatar to begin. Following it (a second tap will allow you to unfollow it). These farms will also be added to your friends list!Another way to be connected with your friends without Facebook and Game Center is with your Neighborhood House! If you. Are over level 18 and have unlocked your, Neighborhood House use the search function to find your friends, neighborhoods. " So that you may communicate and be connected. Ask your friends the exact name of their neighborhood to make it easy for. You to find.At the moment there is, no way to add friends through Google + and, Android devices as they don "t have access to Game, Center. Even though the methods listed above are the only options currently available to connect, with friends we are always working. To find other ways for you to interact with your friends in Hay Day.
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