With a vision to make. เถ้าแก่น้อย is the brand in the consumer's mind on the subject of marine industry ร่าบ frame. Focusing on the เถ้าแก่น้อย or is Generic Brand when consumers think of algae have called the boss.Xerox which when consumers see algae and other brands. Would have called เถ้าแก่น้อย itself
.The strategies you ต๊อบ visible in the market access through the 7-Eleven and make เถ้าแก่น้อย achieve the vision set is strategy. "Forest city stockade." By comparing the consumer as a "city", the 7-Eleven. "The jungle."Waste of money, just 500000 baht for strategies to make consumers recognize by the package price 10), focusing on the price is first, because anyone can buy and is try. Also, you ต๊อบ also named strategy self again. "Give mechanical software is Marketing."3 months, with the slogan "the loss is our gain." the ratio of 40% free and 60% for sale. A strategy to provide free goods to the customer, try eating something good through selected by แจกผ่าน according to schools, universities, and the station.But the covert operations to need to tell the customers know. Now เถ้าแก่น้อย products also sold in 7-Eleven which when customers like goods. It can buy it here.And produce goods for the best customers. This is the principle of giving. The เถ้าแก่น้อย communicating to consumers.
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