When it comes to technology. Many people thought might be reminded of the machine tools, mechanical or electronic technology applied to life each day; But in fact, the technology is related to the existence of the human race for a long time, since the technology came from the yuknok have underscored the problem multiplies up the story became big in the social progress of our current technology is to dash.Yot work, including communications, and the convenience of more human than before. But on the other hand, there is the technology's impact on the environment, such as the impact of natural. The problem is different in terms of its land use agricultural tools. Chemicals. The loss of water resources from the source of water damage or spoilage of the water from sewage disposal difficult. The loss of minerals from the current technological progress. Mankind's technological activities affect climate changes causing the greenhouse conditions. with the world from burning any fuel to the impact of the technology on the social environment. In addition to affecting Natural environment. If not implemented carefully, it will affect the social and cultural environment of the human being, such as the problem of rapid population increase due to technological advances, medical. If there is no protection or editing. In the future, it will be critical for population issues have lost cultural diversity and local wisdom. Progress from the transportation Communication, cultural exchanges, and rapidly until the generation after. There are no qualifying time of traditional wisdom, good things to lose the strength of social institutions. Institutions such as family, community, religion, social studies, has a continuing role in the social life of the members. New media and technology have caused. Subsequent issues, such as drug problems crime prostitution at the same unemployment, etc.However, we will take what life will show that living in this era of technology. We need to rely on knowledge or intelligence as the basis for the decision "wisdom" to prepare to face the changes that come in various formats, both predicted and less than forecast. If pace ourselves according to move ahead regardless of the meaning of the object technology progress of the spirit and wisdom of supporting ideas to consider. Life in the age of technology, it would be a cruel and dangerous life, which is the absolute.
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